Poems begining by G
/ page 7 of 52 /Grook About Faith, Love, etc.
© Piet Hein
She gave me hope
she gave me love,
with bounty unalloyed.
But what she had of faith,
she gave to Freud.
Growing Old
© Anonymous
Is it parting with the roundness
Of the smoothly moulded cheek?
Is it losing from the dimples
Half the flashing joy they speak?
Greenwich Hospital
© William Lisle Bowles
Come to these peaceful seats, and think no more
Of cold, of midnight watchings, or the roar
Griselda: A Society Novel In Verse - Chapter IV
© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
How shall I take up this vain parable
And ravel out its issue? Heaven and Hell,
The principles of good and evil thought,
Embodied in our lives, have blindly fought
Griggsby's Station
© James Whitcomb Riley
Pap's got his patent-right, and rich is all creation;
But where's the peace and comfort that we all had before?
Le's go a-visitin' back to Griggsby's Station--
Back where we ust to be so happy and so pore!
Grey Wolves Grey
© Henry Lawson
As the horses toil at the ends of trains,
And the ends of roads on the Blacksoil Plains.
And Ivan digs in the frozen clay,
And he rolls the logs a bed to lay
For a gun thats five hundred miles away,
But as sure to come as the grey wolves grey.
Grief An Gladness
© William Barnes
"Can all be still, when win's do blow?
Look down the grove an' zee
Graves Of Infants
© John Clare
Infant' graves are steps of angels, where
Earth's brightest gems of innocence repose.
Good-Night In War-Time
© Sydney Thompson Dobell
(To Alexander Smith)
The stars we saw arise are high above,
Good News
© Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Between a meadow and a cloud that sped
In rain and twilight, in desire and fear.
I heard a secret--hearken in your ear,
'Behold the daisy has a ring of red.'
Go Away, Death!
© Alfred Austin
Go away, Death!
You have come too soon.
To sunshine and song I but just awaken,
And the dew on my heart is undried and unshaken;
Come back at noon.
Green Fields And Running Brooks
© James Whitcomb Riley
Ho! green fields and running brooks!
Knotted strings and fishing-hooks
Of the truant, stealing down
Weedy backways of the town.
Gregory Parable, LL.D.
© William Schwenck Gilbert
He knew no guile, this simple man,
No worldly wile, or plot, or plan,
Except that plot of freehold land
That held the cot, and MARY, and
Her worthy father, named by me
© Ada Cambridge
Is the morning dim and cloudy? Does the wind drift up the leaves?
Is there mist upon the mountains, where the sun shone yesterday?
Are the little song-birds silent? Is the sky all blurred and grey?
Does the rain fall, patter, patter, from the eaves?
Gordon Of Khartoum
© George Meredith
Of men he would have raised to light he fell:
In soul he conquered with those nerveless hands.
His country's pride and her abasement knell
The Man of England circled by the sands.
© Robert Laurence Binyon
In the breathing of a breath--
How, who shall say?
Ghostly mist has flowered
Into flaming day.
Go Get The Goodly Squab
© Sylvia Plath
Go get the goodly squab in gold-lobed corn
And pluck the droll-flecked quail where thick they lie;
Reap the round blue pigeon from roof ridge,
But let the fast-feathered eagle fly.
Griselda: A Society Novel In Verse - Chapter I
© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
And thus I first beheld her, standing calm
In the swayed crowd upon her husband's arm,
One opera night, the centre of all eyes,
So proud she seemed, so fair, so sweet, so wise.
Some one behind me whispered ``Lady L.!
His Lordship too! and thereby hangs a tale.''