Poems begining by G

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Gently on the Stream of Time

© Julia A Moore

Gently on the stream of time,

 We are floating day by day,

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Gold Medal Gal of Israel

© Sharon Esther Lampert

Sharon Esther Lampert
Sexiest Creative Genius in Human History
8th Prophetess of Israel: 22 Commandments

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Gay Men Rule

© Sharon Esther Lampert

Sharon Esther Lampert
Sexiest Creative Genius in Human History
8th Prophetess of Israel: 22 Commandments

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Gioconda And Si-Ya-U

© Nazim Hikmet

Part One
Excerpts from Gioconda's Diary

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© Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mortal mixed of middle clay,

Attempered to the night and day,

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God Scatters Beauty

© Walter Savage Landor

God scatters beauty as he scatters flowers
O'er the wide earth, and tells us all are ours.
A hundred lights in every temple burn,
And at each shrine I bend my knee in turn.

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© Anonymous

Now I'm getting broken mouthed,

 My shearing's at an end,

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© Russell Edson

The living room is overgrown with grass. It has
come up around the furniture. It stretches through
the dining room, past the swinging door into the
kitchen. It extends for miles and miles into the
walls . . .

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Green Grow The Rashes

© Robert Burns

Chorus:  Green grow the rashes, O!
 Green grow the rashes, O!
 The sweetest hours that e'er I spend,
 Are spent amang the lasses, O!

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© John Clare

The snow falls deep; the forest lies alone;

The boy goes hasty for his load of brakes,

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Gratiana Dancing and Singing

© Richard Lovelace

See! with what constant motion
Even and glorious, as the sunne,
Gratiana steeres that noble frame,
Soft as her breast, sweet as her voyce,
That gave each winding law and poyze,
And swifter then the wings of Fame.

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Genesis BK XIII

© Caedmon

The sleep of death and fiends' seduction; death and hell and
exile and damnation - these were the fatal fruit whereon they
feasted.  And when the apple worked within him and touched his
heart, then laughed aloud the evilhearted fiend, capered about,
and gave thanks to his lord for both:

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Good-by and Keep Cold

© Robert Frost

This saying good-by on the edge of the dark
And the cold to an orchard so young in the bark
Reminds me of all that can happen to harm
An orchard away at the end of the farm

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Good Hours

© Robert Frost

I had for my winter evening walk--
No one at all with whom to talk,
But I had the cottages in a row
Up to their shining eyes in snow.

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Going for Water

© Robert Frost

The well was dry beside the door,
And so we went with pail and can
Across the fields behind the house
To seek the brook if still it ran;

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Ghazal 02

© Shams al-Din Hafiz

© Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, Ca
Februaru 1, 2000

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Garage Sale

© Laure-Anne Bosselaar

I sold her bed for a song.
A song of yearning like an orphan’s.
Or the one knives carve into bread.

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Gipsy Love

© Arthur Symons

The gipsy tents are on the down,
The gipsy girls are here;
And it's O to be off and away from the town
With a gipsy for my dear!

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Grizzly Bear

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Yeah they call me Grizzly Bear got long black grizzly hair
Walk down the street and everybody stop and stare
Ohohoh well I'm wild and wooly and free
And so you'd better not mess with me
Lemme tell you that I howl yowl growl like a grizzly bear

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God's Wheel

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

GOD says to me with a kind
of smile, "Hey how would you like
to be God awhile And steer the world?"
"Okay," says I, "I'll give it a try.