Poems begining by G

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© Eugene Field

Of mornings, bright and early,

When the lark is on the wing

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Gray Room

© Wallace Stevens

Although you sit in a room that is gray,
Except for the silver
Of the straw-paper,
And pick

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Goblin Market

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

Laura stretched her gleaming neck
Like a rush-imbedded swan,
Like a lily from the beck,
Like a moonlit poplar branch,
Like a vessel at the launch
When its last restraint is gone.

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Gods of the East

© Rudyard Kipling

Because I sought it far from men,
 In deserts and alone,
 I found it burning overhead,
 The jewel of a Throne.

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Gretna Green

© Edith Nesbit

Last night when I kissed you,

My soul caught alight;

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Give Me Thy Heart

© Alfred Austin

Give me thy heart, I leave thee mine;
But oh! till next our pulses meet,
May my fond spirit round thee shine,
Absorb thy soul and guide thy feet,
And then no more my passion pine,
My bosom idly beat.

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General B.F. Butler

© Ambrose Bierce

Thy flesh to earth, thy soul to God,
  We gave, O gallant brother;
And o'er thy grave the awkward squad
  Fired into one another!

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Granta: A Medley

© George Gordon Byron

Oh! could Le Sage's demon's gift
  Be realized at my desire,
This night my trembling form he'd lift
  To place it on St. Mary's spire.

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GOLIAH'S Defeat. In the Manner of Lucan.

© Mather Byles

When the proud Philistines for War declar'd,

And Israel's Sons for Battle had prepar'd,

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Goldilocks And Goldilocks

© William Morris

It was Goldilocks woke up in the morn

At the first of the shearing of the corn.

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© Philip Larkin

If grief could burn out
Like a sunken coal
The heart would rest quiet
The unrent soul
Be as still as a veil
But I have watched all night

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© Philip Larkin

There is an evening coming in
Across the fields, one never seen before,
That lights no lamps.

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© Francis Ernley Walrond

I walk in a garden of roses,
  'Twixt lawn and shaven lawn,
  And I think of the wild free spaces,
  And the rose of a breathless dawn.

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Georgia Dusk

© Jean Toomer

The sky, lazily disdaining to pursue
The setting sun, too indolent to hold
A lengthened tournament for flashing gold,
Passively darkens for night's barbeque,

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Gates and Doors

© Joyce Kilmer

(For Richardson Little Wright)There was a gentle hostler
(And blessed be his name!)
He opened up the stable
The night Our Lady came.

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God Full Of Mercy

© Yehuda Amichai

I, who must decipher riddles
I don't want to decipher,
Know that if not for the God-full-of-mercy
There would be mercy in the world,
Not just in Him.

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God Has Pity On Kindergarten Children

© Yehuda Amichai

God has pity on kindergarten children,
He pities school children -- less.
But adults he pities not at all.

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© Anne Kingsmill Finch

O Man! what Inspiration was thy Guide,
Who taught thee Light and Air thus to divide;
To let in all the useful Beams of Day,
Yet force, as subtil Winds, without thy Shash to stay;

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Go Down, Death

© James Weldon Johnson

And Jesus took his own hand and wiped away her tears,
And he smoothed the furrows from her face,
And the angels sang a little song,
And Jesus rocked her in his arms,
And kept a-saying: Take your rest,
Take your rest.

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Grafted Into the Army

© Henry Clay Work

Oh, Jimmy, farewell! Your brothers fell way down in Alabammy;
I though they would spare a lone widder's heir,
but they grafted him into the Army.