Envy poems

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A Vote (excerpt)

© Abraham Cowley

 This only grant me: that my means may lie

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Mother and Daughter- Sonnet Sequence

© Augusta Davies Webster

  Oh goddess head! Oh innocent brave eyes!
Oh curved and parted lips where smiles are rare
And sweetness ever! Oh smooth shadowy hair
Gathered around the silence of her brow!
  Child, I'd needs love thy beauty stranger-wise:
And oh the beauty of it, being thou!

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If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem

© Jean Ingelow

 'Many,' methought, 'and rich
They must have been, so long their chronicle.
Perhaps the world was fuller then of folk,
For ships at sea are few that near us now.'

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The Oldest Inhabitant

© Augusta Davies Webster

"AND when came I to this town?" did he say!

 A question asked for the asking's sake,

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The United Fruit Co.

© Pablo Neruda

Among the blood-thirsty flies
the Fruit Company lands its ships,
taking off the coffee and the fruit;
the treasure of our submerged
territories flow as though
on plates into the ships.

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Vanity of Vanities

© Michael Wigglesworth

Vain, frail, short liv'd, and miserable Man,
Learn what thou art when thine estate is best:
A restless Wave o'th' troubled Ocean,
A Dream, a lifeless Picture finely drest:

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The Call Of Liberty. May 1809

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

YE nations of Europe! arising to war,
And scorning submission to tyranny's might
Oh! follow the track of my bright blazing car,
Diffusing a path-way of radiance afar,
Dispelling the shadows of night!

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My Namesake

© John Greenleaf Whittier

You scarcely need my tardy thanks,
Who, self-rewarded, nurse and tend--
A green leaf on your own Green Banks--
The memory of your friend.

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The Pilot That Weath'd The Storm

© George Canning

If hush'd the loud whirlwind that ruffled the deep,
 The sky, if no longer dark tempests deform;
When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?
 No!-Here's to the Pilot who weather'd the storm!

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A Dream

© Robert Burns

Guid-Mornin' to our Majesty!

May Heaven augment your blisses

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Homage To Quintus Septimus Florentis Christianus

© Ezra Pound

(Ex libris Graecæ)
Theodorus will be pleased at my death,
And .someone else will be pleased at the death of Theodoras,
And yet everyone speaks evil of death.

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The Conference

© Charles Churchill

Grace said in form, which sceptics must agree,

When they are told that grace was said by me;

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A Character

© William Wordsworth

I marvel how Nature could ever find space
For so many strange contrasts in one human face:
There's thought and no thought, and there's paleness and bloom
And bustle and sluggishness, pleasure and gloom.

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Andrew M’Crie

© Robert Fuller Murray

It was many and many a year ago,
  In a city by the sea,
That a man there lived whom I happened to know
  By the name of Andrew M'Crie;
And this man he slept in another room,
  But ground and had meals with me.

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© Percy Bysshe Shelley

Old winter was gone
In his weakness back to the mountains hoar,
And the spring came down
From the planet that hovers upon the shore

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Who Would Have Thought?

© George MacDonald

Blow, breath of heaven, on all this poison blow!
And, heart, glow upward to this gracious breath!
Between them, vanish, mist of sin and death,
And let the life of life within me flow!
Love is the green earth, the celestial air,
And music runs like dews and rivers there!

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The Minstrel ; Or, The Progress Of Genius - Book II.

© James Beattie

Of chance or change O let not man complain,
Else shall he never never cease to wail:
For, from the imperial dome, to where the swain

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Sweet William's Farewell to Black-ey'd Susan: A Ballad

© John Gay


All in the Downs the fleet was moor'd,

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The Double Transformation, A Tale

© Oliver Goldsmith

Secluded from domestic strife,
Jack Book-worm led a college life;
A fellowship at twenty-five
Made him the happiest man alive;
He drank his glass and crack'd his joke,  
And freshmen wonder'd as he spoke.

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The Vision Of Judgment

© George Gordon Byron


Saint Peter sat by the celestial gate: