Envy poems

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To The Memory Of My Beloved, The Author, Mr William Shakespeare, And What He Hath Left Us

© Benjamin Jonson

To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name
Am I thus ample to thy book and fame;
While I confess thy writings to be such
As neither Man nor Muse can praise too much.

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© Matthew Prior

How old may Phyllis be, you ask,
Whose beauty thus all hearts engages?
To answer is no easy task;
For she has really two ages.

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On The Report Of A Monument To Be Erected In Westminster Abbey, To The Memory Of A Late Author (Chur

© James Beattie

Bufo, begone! with thee may Faction's fire,
That hatch'd thy salamander-fame, expire.
Fame, dirty idol of the brainless crowd,
What half-made moon-calf can mistake for good!

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Ode to the Memory of Burns

© Thomas Campbell

Soul of the Poet ! wheresoe'er,
Reclaimed from earth, thy genius plume
Her wings of immortality ;
Suspend thy harp in happier sphere,
And with thine influence illume
The gladness of our jubilee.

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146. Address to Edinburgh

© Robert Burns

EDINA! Scotia’s darling seat!
All hail thy palaces and tow’rs,
Where once, beneath a Monarch’s feet,
Sat Legislation’s sov’reign pow’rs:

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378. Song—Bessy and her Spinnin Wheel

© Robert Burns

O LEEZE me on my spinnin’ wheel,
And leeze me on my rock and reel;
Frae tap to tae that cleeds me bien,
And haps me biel and warm at e’en;

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 02 - part 07

© Torquato Tasso


"But if our sins us of his help deprive,

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72. Song—Young Peggy Blooms

© Robert Burns

YOUNG Peggy blooms our boniest lass,
Her blush is like the morning,
The rosy dawn, the springing grass,
With early gems adorning.

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Orlando Furioso Canto 7

© Ludovico Ariosto


Rogero, as directed by the pair,

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299. Sketch—New Year’s Day, 1790

© Robert Burns

THIS day, Time winds th’ exhausted chain;
To run the twelvemonth’s length again:
I see, the old bald-pated fellow,
With ardent eyes, complexion sallow,

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155. Epistle to Mrs. Scott of Wauchope House

© Robert Burns

GUDEWIFE,I MIND it weel in early date,
When I was bardless, young, and blate,
An’ first could thresh the barn,
Or haud a yokin’ at the pleugh;

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61. Second Epistle to J. Lapraik

© Robert Burns

Then may Lapraik and Burns arise,
To reach their native, kindred skies,
And sing their pleasures, hopes an’ joys,
In some mild sphere;
Still closer knit in friendship’s ties,
Each passing year!

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337. Song—Fragment—Altho’ he has left me

© Robert Burns

ALTHO’ he has left me for greed o’ the siller,
I dinna envy him the gains he can win;
I rather wad bear a’ the lade o’ my sorrow,
Than ever hae acted sae faithless to him.

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404. Epigram—The True Loyal Natives

© Robert Burns

YE true “Loyal Natives” attend to my song
In uproar and riot rejoice the night long;
From Envy and Hatred your corps is exempt,
But where is your shield from the darts of Contempt!

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62. Epistle to William Simson

© Robert Burns

Sae, ye observe that a’ this clatter
Is naething but a “moonshine matter”;
But tho’ dull prose-folk Latin splatter
In logic tulyie,
I hope we bardies ken some better
Than mind sic brulyie.

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87. The Twa Dogs

© Robert Burns

Note 1. Luath was Burns’ own dog. [back]
Note 2. Cuchullin’s dog in Ossian’s “Fingal.”—R. B. [back]

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140. Masonic Song—Ye Sons of Old Killie

© Robert Burns

YE sons of old Killie, assembled by Willie,
To follow the noble vocation;
Your thrifty old mother has scarce such another
To sit in that honoured station.

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24. Song—No Churchman am I

© Robert Burns

NO churchman am I for to rail and to write,
No statesman nor soldier to plot or to fight,
No sly man of business contriving a snare,
For a big-belly’d bottle’s the whole of my care.

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306. Election Ballad at close of Contest for representing the Dumfries Burghs, 1790

© Robert Burns

Now, for my friends’ and brethren’s sakes,
And for my dear-lov’d Land o’ Cakes,
I pray with holy fire:
Lord, send a rough-shod troop o’ Hell
O’er a’ wad Scotland buy or sell,
To grind them in the mire!