Envy poems

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On Sr Charles Porter The Chancellours Death

© Thomas Parnell

& tis too true alass! we find, he's gonn,

Virtue from earth a second time is flown,

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Metamorphoses: Book The Seventh

© Ovid

  The End of the Seventh Book.

 Translated into English verse under the direction of
 Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison,
 William Congreve and other eminent hands

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The Poet's Testament

© George Santayana

I give back to the earth what the earth gave,
All to the furrow, none to the grave,
The candle's out, the spirit's vigil spent;
Sight may not follow where the vision went.

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Spring Bereaved 1

© William Henry Drummond

THAT zephyr every year

  So soon was heard to sigh in forests here,

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Tale XI

© George Crabbe

And those of stronger minds should never speak
(In his opinion) what might hurt the weak:
A man may smile, but still he should attend
His hour at church, and be the Church's friend,
What there he thinks conceal, and what he hears

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© Edgar Albert Guest

Who has a troop of romping youth

  About his parlour floor,

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The Four Seasons : Winter

© James Thomson

See, Winter comes, to rule the varied year,
Sullen and sad, with all his rising train;
Vapours, and clouds, and storms. Be these my theme,
These! that exalt the soul to solemn thought,

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The Triumphs Of Philamore And Amoret. To The Noblest Of Our

© Richard Lovelace

  Sir, your sad absence I complain, as earth
Her long-hid spring, that gave her verdures birth,
Who now her cheerful aromatick head
Shrinks in her cold and dismal widow'd bed;
Whilst the false sun her lover doth him move
Below, and to th' antipodes make love.

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Hudibras: Part 1 - Canto II

© Samuel Butler


The catalogue and character

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When The Wind Storms By With A Shout

© William Ernest Henley

When the wind storms by with a shout, and the stern sea-caves
Rejoice in the tramp and the roar of onsetting waves,
Then, then, it comes home to the heart that the top of life
Is the passion that burns the blood in the act of strife -
Till you pity the dead down there in their quiet graves.

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© Henry James Pye

When bold Ambition tempts the ingenuous mind

  To leave the beaten paths of life behind,

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An Essay On The Different Stiles Of Poetry

© Thomas Parnell

I hate the Vulgar with untuneful Mind,
Hearts uninspir'd, and Senses unrefin'd.
Hence ye Prophane, I raise the sounding String,
And Bolingbroke descends to hear me sing.

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The Challenge Answered

© Alfred Austin

So at length the word is uttered which the vain Gaul long hath muttered
'Twixt his teeth, by envy fluttered at another land being great;
And the dogs of war are loosèd, and the carnagestream unsluicèd,
That the might of France abusèd may torment the world like Fate.

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The Happiest Days

© Edgar Albert Guest

You do not know it, little man,

In your summer coat of tan

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A Wish

© Edgar Albert Guest

I'd like to be a boy again, a care-free prince of joy again,

  I'd like to tread the hills and dales the way I used to do;

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My Dependence

© Rabindranath Tagore

I like to be dependent, and so for ever
with warmth and care of my mother
my father , to love, kiss and embrace
wear life happily in all their grace.

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Sonnet 63: Oh Grammar Rules

© Sir Philip Sidney

Oh grammar rules, oh now your virtues show
So children still read you with awefull eyes,
As my young dove may in your precepts wise
Her grant to me, by her own virtue know.

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© Alfred Tennyson

Thou wilt not leave us in the dust:
 Thou madest man, he knows not why,
 He thinks he was not made to die;
And thou hast made him: thou art just.

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© Abraham Cowley

No; to what purpose should I speak?

  No, wretched heart! swell till you break.