Envy poems

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The Sixth Olympic Ode Of Pindar

© Henry James Pye

A sudden thought I raptur'd feel,
Which, as the whetstone points the steel,
Brightens my sense, and bids me warbling raise
To the soft-breathing flute, the kindred notes of praise.

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An Ode - Presented To The King, On His Majesty's Arrival In Holland, After The Queen's Death

© Matthew Prior

At Mary's tomb (sad sacred place!)
The Virtues shall their vigils keep,
And every Muse and every Grace
In solemn state shall ever weep.

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The Task: Book III. -- The Garden

© William Cowper

As one who, long in thickets and in brakes

Entangled, winds now this way and now that

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Francis Parkman

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

HE rests from toil; the portals of the tomb
Close on the last of those unwearying hands
That wove their pictured webs in History's loom,
Rich with the memories of three distant lands.

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To Mr. Addison on His Opera of Rosamond

© Thomas Tickell

__ Ne fortè pudori

Sit tibi Musa lyræ solers, & cantor Apollo.

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Il Cinque Maggio (English)

© Alessandro Manzoni

HE was -- As motionless as lay,

First mingled with the dead,

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© Victor Marie Hugo

You can see it already: chalks and ochers;

Country crossed with a thousand furrow-lines;

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 05 - part 02

© Torquato Tasso


This barbarous prince, who only vainly

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - VIII

© Ezra Pound

Io mooed the first years with averted head,
And now drinks Nile water like a god,
Ino in her young days fled pellmell out of Thebes,
Andromeda was offered to a sea-serpent
and respectably married to Perseus,

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The Federal City

© Henry Lawson

OH! the folly, the waste, and the pity! Oh, the time that is flung behind!
They are seeking a site for a city, whose eyes shall be always blind,
Whose love for their ease grows greater, and whose care for their country less—
They are seeking a site for a city—a City of Selfishness.

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© Peter McArthur

LAUGHTER and Silence for a sword and shield!

O aching heart, what war is this you wage ?

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To Mrs. Frances--Arabella Kelly.

© Mary Barber

To Day, as at my Glass I stood,
To set my Head--cloaths, and my Hood;
I saw my grizzled Locks with Dread,
And call'd to mind the Gorgon's Head.

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One Day And Another: A Lyrical Eclogue – Part II

© Madison Julius Cawein

  Here at last! And do you know
  That again you've kept me waiting?
  Wondering, anticipating,
  If your "yes" meant "no."

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On Envy (From The Greek)

© William Cowper

Pity, says the Theban bard,

From my wishes I discard;

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The Plains Of Abraham

© Charles Sangster

I stood upon the Plain,
  That had trembled when the slain,
Hurled their proud defiant curses at the battle-hearted foe,
  When the steed dashed right and left
  Through the bloody gaps he cleft,
When the bridle-rein was broken, and the rider was laid low.

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The Faithful Few: An Ode

© William Hamilton

While Pow'r triumphant bears unrival'd Sway,
  Propt by the Aid of all-prevailing Gold;
  While bold Corruption blasts the Face of Day,
  And Men, in Herds, are offer'd to be sold;
Select, Urania, from the venal Throng,
The Faithful Few, to grace the deathless Song!

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The Beautiful Beeshareen Boy

© Mathilde Blind

Beautiful, black-eyed boy,

 O lithe-limbed Beeshareen!

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To the Memory of my dear and ever honoured Father Thomas Dudley Esq; Who deceased, July 31. 1653. an

© Anne Bradstreet

By duty bound, and not by custome led

To celebrate the praises of the dead,

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The Judgment Of Paris

© James Beattie

Far in the depth of Ida's inmost grove,
A scene for love and solitude design'd;
Where flowery woodbines wild, by Nature wove,
Form'd the lone bower, the royal swain reclined.

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Tasso Dying

© Konstantin Nikolaevich Batiushkov

But it's too late! I stand before the fatal borne.
  To wild applause I won't step on Capitoline,
And glory's laurels on my feeble head
  Won't sweeten the bard's frightful lot.