Children poems

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The Professor

© Nissim Ezekiel

Remember me? I am Professor Sheth.

Once I taught you geography. Now

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Cultural Exchange

© Langston Hughes

Pushcarts fold and unfold
In a supermarket sea.
And we better find out, mama,
Where is the colored laundromat
Since we move dup to Mount Vernon.

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Blessings On Children

© William Gilmore Simms

Blessings on the blessing children, sweetest gifts of Heaven to earth,

Filling all the heart with gladness, filling all the house with mirth;

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Don Juan: Canto The Second

© George Gordon Byron

Oh ye! who teach the ingenuous youth of nations,

Holland, France, England, Germany, or Spain,

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Sonnet 38: The Children of the Night

© Edwin Arlington Robinson

Oh, brother men, if you have eyes at all,
Look at a branch, a bird, a child, a rose,  
Or anything God ever made that grows,—
Nor let the smallest vision of it slip,
Till you may read, as on Belshazzar’s wall,
The glory of eternal partnership.

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Christmas, 1873

© George MacDonald

Christmas-Days are still in store:-
Will they change-steal faded hither?
Or come fresh as heretofore,
Summering all our winter weather?

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The Cambridge Churchyard

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

Our ancient church! its lowly tower,

Beneath the loftier spire,

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Wreath For A Bridal

© Sylvia Plath

What though green leaves only witness
Such pact as is made once only; what matter
That owl voice sole ‘yes’, while cows utter
Low moos of approve; let sun surpliced in brightness
Stand stock still to laud these mated ones
Whose stark act all coming double luck joins.

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The Bad Squire

© Charles Kingsley

The merry brown hares came leaping
Over the crest of the hill,
Where the clover and corn lay sleeping
Under the moonlight still.

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The 'Soldier Birds'

© Henry Lawson

I mind the river from Mount Frome

 To Ballanshantie’s Bridge,

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© Georg Trakl

It is a light, that the wind has extinguished.

It is a pub on the heath, that a drunk departs in the afternoon.

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The Child Of The Islands - Conclusion

© Caroline Norton

MY lay is ended! closed the circling year,
From Spring's first dawn to Winter's darkling night;
The moan of sorrow, and the sigh of fear,

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Daniel. A Sacred Drama

© Hannah More

Persons of the Drama.
Darius, King of Media and Babylon.
Pharnaces, Courtier, Enemy to Daniel.
Soranus,  dido.
Araspes, A Young Median Lord, Friend and Convert to Daniel

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On Observing Some Names Of Little Note Recorded In The Biographia Britannica

© William Cowper

Oh fond attempt to give a deathless lot,

To names ignoble, born to be forgot!

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Song Of Proserpine While Gathering Flowers On The Plain Of Enna

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sacred Goddess, Mother Earth,
Thou from whose immortal bosom
Gods, and men, and beasts have birth,

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The Widow Gordon's Petition

© Mary Barber

Weary'd with long Attendance on the Court,
You, Madam, are the Wretch's last Resort.
Eternal King! if here in vain I cry,
Where shall the Fatherless and Widow fly?

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Hail! Master Death!

© Edgar Lee Masters

When conquerors lift the bloody shield,
Showing the fallen's ooze of life,
And on a waste of blasted field
Joy quickens to the drum and fife,

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The People's Anthem

© Ebenezer Elliott

When wilt Thou save the people?

O God of mercy! when?

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The Vote of Thanks Debate

© Henry Lawson

THE OTHER NIGHT I got the blues and tried to smile in vain.

I couldn’t chuck a chuckle at the foolery of Twain;

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© Henry Kendall

Years fifty, and seven to boot, have smitten the children of men

Since sound of a voice or a foot came out of the head of that glen.