Children poems

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The Columbiad: Book III

© Joel Barlow

His eldest hope, young Rocha, at his call,
Resigns his charge within the temple wall;
In whom began, with reverend forms of awe,
The functions grave of priesthood and of law,

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V: Glee—The great storm is over

© Emily Dickinson

Glee—The great storm is over—
Four—have recovered the Land—
Forty gone down together—
Into the boiling Sand.

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Threnodia Augustalis: Overture - A Solemn Dirge

© Oliver Goldsmith

ARISE, ye sons of worth, arise,
And waken every note of woe;
When truth and virtue reach the skies,
'Tis ours to weep the want below!

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The Vision Of Piers Plowman - Part 06

© William Langland

"This were a wikkede wey but whoso hadde a gyde

That [myghte] folwen us ech a foot' - thus this folk hem mened.

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Of The Son of Man

© George MacDonald

I. I honour Nature, holding it unjust

To look with jealousy on her designs;

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Pa And The Monthly Bills

© Edgar Albert Guest

When Ma gets out the monthly bills and sets them all in front of Dad,
She makes us children run away because she knows he may get mad;
An' then she smiles a bit and says: "I hope you will not fuss and fret--
There's nothing here except the things I absolutely had to get!"
An' Pa he looks 'em over first. "The things you had to have!" says he;
"I s'pose that we'd have died without that twenty dollar longeree."

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XLVI From 'La Pell De Brau'

© Salvador Espriu

  Sometimes it is necessary and right

  for a man to die for a people.

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An April Day

© Robert Laurence Binyon

Breezes strongly rushing, when the North--West stirs,
Prophesying Summer to the shaken firs;
Blowing brows of forest, where soft airs are free,
Crowned with heavenly glimpses of the shining sea;

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A Poor Excuse, But Our Own

© Franklin Pierce Adams

My right-hand neighbour hath a child,
  A pretty child of five or six,
Not more than other children wild,
  Nor fuller than the rest of tricks--
At five he rises, shine or rain,
And noisily plays "fire" or "train."

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The Vision of the Rock

© Charles Harpur

I SATE upon a lonely peak,

 A backwood river’s course to view,

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The Song against Grocers

© Gilbert Keith Chesterton

God made the wicked Grocer

For a mystery and a sign,

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Lo gens temps de pascor

© Bernard de Ventadorn

Bel Vezer, si no fos
mos enans totz en vos
laissat agra chansos
per mal dels enoyos.

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The Imprisoned Innocents

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

ONE morning I said to my wife,
Near the time when the heavens are rife
With the Equinoctial strife,
"Arabella, the weather looks ugly as sin!

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The Passing Of Cadieux

© Isabel Ecclestone Mackay

'Fresh is love in May
  When the Spring is yearning,
Life is but a lay,
  Love is quick in learning.

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The Dying Dragoman

© Mathilde Blind

Again the ring of swinging chimes
 Calls all the pious folk to church,
With shining Sunday face, betimes,
 Through rustling woods of beech and birch

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And the Seventh Dream is the Dream of Isis

© David Gascoyne

she was standing at the window clothed only in a ribbon
she was burning the eyes of snails in a candle
she was eating the excrement of dogs and horses
she was writing a letter to the president of france

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The Surrender Of Spain

© John Hay

Land of unconquered Pelayo! land of the Cid Campeador!
Sea-girdled mother of men! Spain, name of glory and power;
Cradle of world-grasping Emperors, grave of the reckless invader,
How art thou fallen, my Spain! how art thou sunk at this hour!

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The Kalevala - Rune XXXIII

© Elias Lönnrot


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My Garden

© Emily Dickinson

New feet within my garden go—
New fingers stir the sod—
A Troubadour upon the Elm
Betrays the solitude.

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Christmas Song of the Old Children

© George MacDonald

Well for youth to seek the strong,
Beautiful, and brave!
We, the old, who walk along
Gently to the grave,
Only pay our court to thee,
Child of all Eternity!