Children poems

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Pharsalia - Book IX: Cato

© Marcus Annaeus Lucanus

Such were the words he spake; and soon the fleet
Had dared the angry deep: but Cato's voice
While praising, calmed the youthful chieftain's rage.

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© Robert Laurence Binyon

A woman sat, with roses red
Upon her lap before her spread,
On that high bridge whose parapet
Wide over turbulent Thames is set,

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The Empty Glass

© Henry Lawson

THERE ARE three lank bards in a borrowed room—

  Ah! The number is one too few—

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© William Cowper

Why weeps the muse for England? What appears

In England's case to move the muse to tears?

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Hermann And Dorothea - VIII. Melpomene

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

But she conceal'd the pain which she felt, and jestingly spoke thus
"It betokens misfortune,--so scrupulous people inform us,--
For the foot to give way on entering a house, near the threshold.
I should have wish'd, in truth, for a sign of some happier omen!
Let us tarry a little, for fear your parents should blame you
For their limping servant, and you should be thought a bad landlord."

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Modern Greece

© Richard Monckton Milnes

As, in the legend which our childhood loved,
The destined prince was guided to the bed,
Where, many a silent year, the charmèd Maid
Lay still, as though she were not; nor could wake,

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To Bid Her Live

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

Bring to her spring flowers,

Cowslip and celandine,

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Virgils Gnat

© Edmund Spenser

And whatsoeuer other flowre of worth,
And whatso other hearb of louely hew
The iouyous Spring out of the ground brings forth,
To cloath her selfe in colours fresh and new;
He planted there, and reard a mount of earth,
In whose high front was writ as doth ensue.

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John Bunny, Motion Picture Comedian

© Vachel Lindsay

Yorick is dead.  Boy Hamlet walks forlorn
Beneath the battlements of Elsinore.
Where are those oddities and capers now
That used to “set the table on a roar”?

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© Augusta Davies Webster

No not to-night, dear child; I cannot go;
I'm busy, tired; they knew I should not come;
you do not need me there. Dear, be content,
and take your pleasure; you shall tell me of it.
There, go to don your miracles of gauze,
and come and show yourself a great pink cloud.

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Give Your Heart To The Hawks

© Robinson Jeffers


The apples hung until a wind at the equinox,

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The Bell-Founder Part III - Vicissitude And Rest

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

O Erin! thou broad-spreading valley--thou well-watered land of fresh
When I gaze on thy hills greenly sloping, where the light of such
loveliness beams,

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Father's Chore

© Edgar Albert Guest

My Pa can hit his thumbnail with a hammer and keep still;

  He can cut himself while shaving an' not swear;

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Here and There

© Francis William Bourdillon

Soft benediction of September sun;
Voices of children, laughing as they run;
Green English lawns, bright flowers and butterflies;
And over all the blue embracing skies.

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To George Peabody

© Oliver Wendell Holmes


BANKRUPT! our pockets inside out!

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The Victories Of Love. Book II

© Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore

From Lady Clitheroe To Mary Churchill

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Geraint And Enid

© Alfred Tennyson

Then Enid pondered in her heart, and said:
'I will go back a little to my lord,
And I will tell him all their caitiff talk;
For, be he wroth even to slaying me,
Far liefer by his dear hand had I die,
Than that my lord should suffer loss or shame.'

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© Mathilde Blind

To thee, O star-eyes comforter, we creep,
Earth's ill-used step-children to thee make moan,
As hiding in thy dark skirts' ample sweep;
-Poor debtors whose brief life is not their own;
For dunned by Death, to whom we owe its loan,
Give us, O Night, the interest paid in sleep.

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The Golden Whales Of California

© Vachel Lindsay

But what is the earthquake s cry at last
Making St. Francis yet aghast:
" Oh the flashing cornucopia of haughty
From here on, the audience California joins in the

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Hymn To Mercury

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sing, Muse, the son of Maia and of Jove,
The Herald-child, king of Arcadia