Children poems

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The Old-Fashioned Parents

© Edgar Albert Guest

The good old-fashioned mothers and the good old-fashioned dads,
With their good old-fashioned lassies and their good old-fashioned lads,
Still walk the lanes of loving in their simple, tender ways,
As they used to do back yonder in the good old-fashioned days.

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The Greek Partisan

© William Cullen Bryant

Our free flag is dancing

  In the free mountain air,

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The Zenana

© Letitia Elizabeth Landon

And fragrant though the flowers are breathing,
From far and near together wreathing,
They are not those she used to wear,
Upon the midnight of her hair.—

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Hudibras: Part 2 - Canto II

© Samuel Butler

Quoth RALPHO, Honour's but a word
To swear by only in a Lord:
In other men 'tis but a huff,
To vapour with instead of proof;
That, like a wen, looks big and swells,
Is senseless, and just nothing else.

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The Lay of the Laborer

© Thomas Hood

A spade! a rake! a hoe!
A pickaxe, or a bill!
A hook to reap, or a scythe to mow,
A flail, or what ye will—

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Mute Discourse.

© James Brunton Stephens

GOD speaks by silence. Voice-dividing man,

Who cannot triumph but he saith, Aha —

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A New Pilgrimage: Sonnet XIII

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

And what strange sights have these threewindows seen,
Mid bonnes and children, in the Tuileries!
What flights of hero, Emperor and Queen,
Since first I looked down from them, one of these!

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Told By "The Noted Traveler"

© James Whitcomb Riley

Even so had they wrought all ways
To earn the pennies, and hoard them, too,--
And with what ultimate end in view?--
They were saving up money enough to be
Able, in time, to buy their own
Five children back.

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Rise Ye! Rise Ye!

© Henry Lawson

Rise Ye! rise ye! noble toilers! claim your rights with fire and steel!

Rise ye! for the cursed tyrants crush ye with the hiron ’eel!

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The Little Czar

© Henry Lawson

Oh, Great White Czar of Russia, who hid your face and ran,
You’ve flung afar the grandest chance that ever came to man!
You might have been, and could have been—ah, think it to your shame!—
The Czar of all the Russias, in fact as well as name.

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Gratefully And Affectionately Inscribed To Joel Chandler Harris

© James Whitcomb Riley

_You who to the rounded prime_

  _Of a life of toil and stress_,

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A Child’s Treasures

© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

Thou art home at last, my darling one,

  Flushed and tired with thy play,

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Winter Cares

© Kristijonas Donelaitis

"Of course, the fire consumes a lot of kindling wood,
When we warm up the house or cook a boiling pot.
Just think what kind of food we'd have to eat each day,
If there were no wood to burn and no helpful fire.
We'd have naught but sodden, sour swill to eat, like swine.

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The Giving Tree

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Once there was a tree....

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The Drums of Ages

© Henry Lawson

DRUMS of all that’s right and wrong—of love and hate and scorn,
And the new-born baby hears them and it wails when it is born.
Drums of all that is to be, and all that has gone by,
And we hear them when we’re dreaming, and we hear them while we die.

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Aurora Leigh: Book Fifth

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  "A flower, a flower," exclaimed
My German student,-his own eyes full-blown
Bent on her. He was twenty, certainly.

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The Bird of Jesus

© Padraic Colum

Each had a bearing that was like a prince's,
Yet they were simple lads and had the kindness
Of our own folk lads simple and unknowing:
Then, afterwards, we went to visit them.

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The Preacher

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The impulse spread like the outward course
Of waters moved by a central force;
The tide of spiritual life rolled down
From inland mountains to seaboard town.

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The North Sea -- Second Cycle

© Heinrich Heine

The waves are murmuring, the sea-gulls crying,
Wafts of old memories over me steal,
Old dreams long forgotten, old visions long vanished,
Sweet and torturing, rise from the deep..

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The Boy Crusader.

© James Brunton Stephens

OH father, is that Jerusalem —

Those walls and towers so strong?"