Children poems

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The Reprieve

© Caroline Norton

"Oh! hear me, thou, who in the sunshine's glare
So calmly waitest till the warning bell
Shall of the closing hour of his despair
In gloomy notes of muffled triumph tell.

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Anhelli - Chapter 5

© Juliusz Slowacki

And so the Shaman and Anhelli made their pilgrimage through the sorrowful country
and over the desolate roads and under the roaring forests of Siberia,
meeting men who suffered, and comforting them.

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© Thomas Ernest Hulme

A touch of cold in the Autumn night -
 I walked abroad,
 And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge
 Like a red-faced farmer.

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Hermann And Dorothea - VII. Erato

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Joyfully heard the youth the willing maiden's decision,
Doubting whether he now had not better tell her the whole truth;
But it appear'd to him best to let her remain in her error,
First to take her home, and then for her love to entreat her.
Ah! but now he espied a golden ring on her finger,
And so let her speak, while he attentively listen'd:--

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The Philanthropic Society

© William Lisle Bowles


  When Want, with wasted mien and haggard eye,

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Litany for Dictatorships

© Stephen Vincent Benet

For all those beaten, for the broken heads,
The fosterless, the simple, the oppressed,
The ghosts in the burning city of our time ...

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Lemnos Harbour

© Leon Gellert

The island sleeps,-but it has no delight
For em, to whom that sleep has been unkind.
My thoughts are long of what seems long ago,
And long, too, are my dreams. I do not know
These trailing glories of the star-strewn night
Or the slow sough of the wind.

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Incidents in the life of my Uncle Arly

© Edward Lear

O my aged Uncle Arly!

Sitting on a heap of Barley

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© William Lisle Bowles

Call the strange spirit that abides unseen

  In wilds, and wastes, and shaggy solitudes,

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© Jibanananda Das

Thousands of Bengali villages, silent and powerless, sink into
hopelessness and lightlessness.
When the sun sets, a certain lovely haired darkness
Comes to fix her hair in-a bun-but by whose hands?

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Twenty-One Distichs About Children

© Eli Siegel

1. Bernice thinks a little.
Bernice is two months old; the world is new for her.
Ah, will her parents' angry world quite do for her?

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Tale XI

© George Crabbe

And those of stronger minds should never speak
(In his opinion) what might hurt the weak:
A man may smile, but still he should attend
His hour at church, and be the Church's friend,
What there he thinks conceal, and what he hears

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Santa Christina

© Henry Van Dyke

Saints are God's flowers, fragrant souls

  That His own hand hath planted,

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At My Window After Sunset

© George MacDonald

Heaven and the sea attend the dying day,
And in their sadness overflow and blend-
Faint gold, and windy blue, and green and gray:
Far out amid them my pale soul I send.

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A Picture Of Husbandry

© Confucius

  The plants will ear; within their sheath confined,
  The grains will harden, and be good in kind.
  Nor darnel these, nor wolf's-tail grass infests;

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The Four Seasons : Winter

© James Thomson

See, Winter comes, to rule the varied year,
Sullen and sad, with all his rising train;
Vapours, and clouds, and storms. Be these my theme,
These! that exalt the soul to solemn thought,

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An Appeal For "The Old South"

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

"While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand;

When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall."

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Hudibras: Part 1 - Canto II

© Samuel Butler


The catalogue and character

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A Thanksgiving Poem

© Paul Laurence Dunbar

The sun hath shed its kindly light,
  Our harvesting is gladly o'er
  Our fields have felt no killing blight,
  Our bins are filled with goodly store.