Children poems

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The Convict

© Robert Laurence Binyon

By the warm road--side, where chestnut and thorn
The brightness shaded, supine, at ease,
A felon, freed that morn,
Lay idle, and wondered, gazing up through the trees.

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The Garden Of Death

© Lord Alfred Douglas

There is an isle in an unfurrowed sea

That I wot of, whereon the whole year round

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The Syrophenician Woman

© George MacDonald

"Grant, Lord, her prayer, and let her go;
She crieth after us."
Nay, to the dogs ye cast it so;
Serve not a woman thus.

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© Anne Sexton

The family story tells, and it was told true,

of my great-grandfather who begat eight

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Joys of Spring

© Kristijonas Donelaitis

The climbing sun again was wakening the world

And laughing at the wreck of frigid winter's trade.

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© Emily Dickinson

"Arcturus" is his other name —
I'd rather call him "Star."
It's very mean of Science
To go and interfere!

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The Simple Toilers

© Edgar Albert Guest

JUST to do the little things

And do them well from day to day,

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The Indian City

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

What deep wounds ever clos'd without a scar?
The heart's bleed longest, and but heal to wear
That which disfigures it.
 Childe Harold

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Souvenir De La Nuit Du 4 (Memory Of The Night Of The 4th)

© Victor Marie Hugo

L'enfant avait reçu deux balles dans la tête.

Le logis était propre, humble, paisible, honnête ;

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The Common Man

© Julian Tuwim

When plastered billboards scream with slogans

'fight for your country, go to battle'

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Clinging Back

© Henry Lawson

When you see a man come walking down through George Street loose and free,

Suit of saddle tweed and soft shirt, and a belt and cabbagetree,

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The Kalevala - Rune XLIII

© Elias Lönnrot


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The Peace Maker

© Henry Lawson

It has a “point” of neither sex
  But comes in guise of both,
And, doubly dangerous complex,
  It is a thing to loathe—
A lady with her sweet, sad smile,
  A gentleman on oath.

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The Old Man Of The Sea

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

Do you know the Old Man of the Sea, of the Sea?
Have you met with that dreadful old man?
If you have n't been caught, you will be, you will be;
For catch you he must and he can.

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"Augustus Gloop..."

© Roald Dahl

"Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!
The great big greedy nincompoop!
How long could we allow this beast
To gorge and guzzle, feed and feast

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The Right Family

© Edgar Albert Guest

With time our notions allus change,

An' years make old idees seem strange--

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He Did Love

© Anna Akhmatova

He did love three things in this world:
Choir chants at vespers, albino peacocks,
And worn, weathered maps of America.
And he did not love children crying,

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Madeleine Vercheres

© William Henry Drummond

I've told you many a tale, my child, of the

  old heroic days

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The Nap Taker

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

No - I did not take a nap -
The nap - took - me
off the bed and out the window
far beyond the sea,

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We Were Four Sisters

© Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin

We were four sisters, four sisters were we,
All four of us loved, but had different "becauses:"
One loved because father and mother told her to,
another loved because her lover was rich,
the third loved because he was a famous artist,
and I loved because I fell in love.