Children poems

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The King's Job

© Rudyard Kipling

The Tudor Monarchy

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Little Susan

© Julia A Moore

Air - "The Pride of Caldair"

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When Old Jack Died

© James Whitcomb Riley


  When old Jack died, we staid from school (they said,

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To The Queen Of England

© Edith Nesbit

COME forth! the world's aflame with flags and flowers,

  The shout of bells fills full the shattered air,

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The Last Bison

© Charles Mair

A gentle vale, with rippling aspens clad,
Yet open to the breeze, invited rest.
So there I lay, and watched the sun's fierce beams
Reverberate in wreathed ethereal flame;
Or gazed upon the leaves which buzzed o'erhead,
Like tiny wings in simulated flight.

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Epistle (to the author of The Three Impostors)

© Voltaire

I see from afar that era coming, those happy days,
When philosophy, enlightening humanity,
Must lead them in peace to the feet of the common master;
Frightful fanaticism will tremble to appear there:
There will be less dogma with more virtue.

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Poem For The Two Hundred And Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Founding Of Harvard College

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thou whose bold flight would leave earth's vulgar crowds,
And like the eagle soar above the clouds,
Must feel the pang that fallen angels know
When the red lightning strikes thee from below!

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"Little Jack Janitor"

© James Whitcomb Riley

  Then he tried
And rapped the little drawer in the side,
And called out sharply "Are you in there, Jack?"
And then a little, squeaky voice came back,--
"_Of course I'm in here--ain't you got the key
Turned on me!_"

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A Book Of Strife In The Form Of The Diary Of An Old Soul - November

© George MacDonald


THOU art of this world, Christ. Thou know'st it all;

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The Hours Of Illness

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

How slow creeps time! I hear the midnight chime,

And now late revellers prepare for sleep;

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Thoughts On Jesus Christ's Decent Into Hell

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A mighty army marches on
By thousand millions follow'd, lo,
To yon dark place makes haste to go

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Tale X

© George Crabbe

It is the Soul that sees:  the outward eyes
Present the object, but the Mind descries;
And thence delight, disgust, or cool indiff'rence

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A Fantasy of War

© Henry Lawson

The Bells and the Child.
The gongs are in the temple—the bells are in the tower;
The “tom-tom” in the jungle and the town clock tells the hour;
And all Thy feathered kind at morn have testified Thy power.

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© Augusta Davies Webster

OH God, where hast thou hidden Truth? Oh Truth,

Where is the road to God?

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The Princess (part 3)

© Alfred Tennyson

Morn in the wake of the morning star
Came furrowing all the orient into gold.
We rose, and each by other drest with care
Descended to the court that lay three parts
In shadow, but the Muses' heads were touched
Above the darkness from their native East.

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Songs of the Pixies

© Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  Whom the untaught Shepherds call
  Pixies in their madrigal,
  Fancy's children, here we dwell:

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Italy : 44. A Character

© Samuel Rogers

One of two things Montrioli may have,
My envy or compassion.  Both he cannot.
Yet on he goes, numbering as miseries,
What least of all he would consent to lose,

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In Memoriam A. H. H.

© Alfred Tennyson

 Thou seemest human and divine,
 The highest, holiest manhood, thou.
 Our wills are ours, we know not how;
 Our wills are ours, to make them thine.

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Merry Stories And Funny Pictures

© Heinrich Hoffmann

When the children have been good,
That is, be it understood,
Good at meal-times, good at play,
Good all night and good all day—
They shall have the pretty things
Merry Christmas always brings.

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A Bush Study, A La Watteau

© Arthur Patchett Martin

See the smoke-wreaths how they curl so lightly skyward
From the ivied cottage nestled in the trees:
Such a lovely spot—I really feel that I would
Be happy there with children on my knees.