Children poems

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The Parlour

© Charlotte Bronte

Warm is the parlour atmosphere,

  Serene the lamp's soft light;

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Robert Parkes

© Henry Kendall

High travelling winds by royal hill
 Their awful anthem sing,
And songs exalted flow and fill
 The caverns of the spring.

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© Ada Cambridge

Here, in her elbow chair, she sits
 A soul alert, alive,
A poor old body shrunk and bent-
 The queen-bee of the hive.

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Italy : 6. Jorasse

© Samuel Rogers

Jorasse was in his three-and-twentieth year;
Graceful and active as a stag just roused;
Gentle withal, and pleasant in his speech,
Yet seldom seen to smile.  He had grown up

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The Burial in the Snow

© Julia A Moore

The people of that party
 Lay scattered all around,
Some were frightened, others laughed,
 To think it happened so,
That the end of their sleigh ride
 Was a burial in the snow.

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English Bards and Scotch Reviewers: A Satire

© George Gordon Byron

These are the themes that claim our plaudits now;
These are the bards to whom the muse must bow;
While Milton, Dryden, Pope, alike forgot,
Resign their hallow'd bays to Walter Scott.

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The Rain

© James Whitcomb Riley


  The rain! the rain! the rain!

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Poem from a Picture

© Margaret Widdemer

(Children at play on a French Battlefield)

"When  I was a child,"

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Canadian Forever

© William Henry Drummond

  So line up and try us,
  Whoever would deny us
  The freedom of our birthright
  And they'll find us like a wall--
  For we are Canadian--Canadian forever,
  Canadian forever--Canadian over all.

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I Saw Children Playing

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

No! they still are playing, chatting in a ring,
Eager voices seeking other games to know.
Lone I go protesting—hear them laugh and sing,
Feeling not my absence, heeding not my woe.

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The Phantom Curate

© William Schwenck Gilbert

A bishop once - I will not name him see -
Annoyed his clergy in the mode conventional;
From pulpit shackles never set them free,
And found a sin where sin was unintentional.
All pleasures ended in abuse auricular -
The Bishop was so terribly particular.

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Sonnet XVIII

© Caroline Norton

[Inscribed, with deep and earnest sympathy, to her Mother, The Countess of Carlisle.]
SINCE in the pleasant time of opening flowers
That flow'r, Her life, was doom'd to fade away,--

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Limerick: There was an Old Man of the East

© Edward Lear

There was an Old Man of the East,
Who gave all his children a feast;
But they all ate so much
And their conduct was such
That it killed that Old Man of the East

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In Memoriam

© Joseph Furphy

A gentle loving thoughtful boy,

But happy gay and bright:

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Uriel: (In Memory of William Vaughn Moody)

© Percy MacKaye


URIEL, you that in the ageless sun

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Come Si Quando

© Robert Seymour Bridges

How thickly the far fields of heaven are strewn with stars !

Tho* the open eye of day shendeth them with its glare

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Freedom Or Queen

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

LAND where the banners wave last in the sun,
Blazoned with star-clusters, many in one,
Floating o'er prairie and mountain and sea;
Hark! 't is the voice of thy children to thee!

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Companions - A Tale Of A Grandfather

© Charles Stuart Calverley

I KNOW not of what we ponder’d  

 Or made pretty pretence to talk,  

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Race Suicide

© Edgar Lee Masters

"Get children," says Commodus. Why unbar
The portals of the earth? Pre-natal dead
If you had entered here the god of war
Had slaughtered you to crown ambition's head!