Children poems

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The Babies of Walloon

© Henry Lawson

He was  lengthsman on the railway, and his station scarce deserved
That “pre-eminence in sorrow” of the Majesty he served,
But as dear to him and precious were the gifts reclaimed so soon—
Were the workman’s little daughters who were buried near Walloon.

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A Rainy Day in Camp

© Anonymous

Tis a cheerless, lonesome evening
When the soaking, sodden ground
Will not echo to the footfall
of the sentinel's dull round.

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Arizona Poems: Mexican Quarter

© John Gould Fletcher

By an alley lined with tumble-down shacks, 

And street-lamps askew, half-sputtering, 

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© Robinson Jeffers

  Grass grows where the flame flowered;
A hollowed lawn strewn with a few black stones
And the brick of broken chimneys; all about there
The old trees, some of them scarred with fire, endure the sea

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A Prayer For The King's Majesty

© Edith Nesbit

God, by our memories of his Mother's face,
By the love that makes our heart her dwelling-place,
Grant to our sorrow this desired grace:
God save the King!

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© Madison Julius Cawein

His Birthday, October the 7th, 1912

RILEY, whose pen has made the world your debtor,

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Hymn To The Patriarchs

© Giacomo Leopardi


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Ode to Salvador Dali

© Federico Garcia Lorca

A rose in the high garden you desire.
A wheel in the pure syntax of steel.
The mountain stripped bare of Impressionist fog,
The grays watching over the last balustrades.

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Stand by the Engines

© Henry Lawson

ON THE moonlighted decks there are children at play,
While smoothly the steamer is holding her way;
And the old folks are chatting on deck-seats and chairs,
And the lads and the lassies go strolling in pairs.

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A Christmas Carol

© Alfred Austin

Hark! In the air, around, above,
The Angelic Music soars and swells,
And, in the Garden that I love,
I hear the sound of Christmas Bells.

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The Highly Respectable Gondolier

© William Schwenck Gilbert

I stole the Prince, and I brought him here,
And left him, gaily prattling
With a highly respectable Gondolier,
Who promised the Royal babe to rear,
And teach him the trade of a timoneer
With his own beloved bratling.

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Sweet May

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

The summer is come!-the summer is come!

With its flowers and its branches green,

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Ballade Of The Southern Cross

© Andrew Lang

Britannia, when thy hearth's a-cold,
When o'er thy grave has grown the moss,
Still Rule Australia shall be trolled
In Islands of the Southern Cross!

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At the Fords Of Jordan

© Mary Hannay Foott

Ere my hand to the husbandman’s toil had been trained,—
Or my foot to the slow-moving flocks had been chained,—
I, too, would have marched in the long line of spears,—
With the youthful, the courtly, the brave for my peers.

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Rippling Water

© Adam Lindsay Gordon

The maiden sat by the river side

(The rippling water murmurs by),

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Our Yankee Girls

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

LET greener lands and bluer skies,

If such the wide earth shows,

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Part Of A Prologue Written And Spoken By The POet Laberius A Roman Knight, Whom Caesar Forced Upon T

© Oliver Goldsmith


WHAT!  no way left to shun th' inglorious stage,

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A Parable - II

© James Russell Lowell

Said Christ our Lord, 'I will go and see
How the men, my brethren, believe in me.'
He passed not again through the gate of birth,
But made himself known to the children of earth.

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New Year's Eve: A Waking Dream

© George MacDonald

I have not any fearful tale to tell

Of fabled giant or of dragon-claw,

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When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd

© Walt Whitman

When lilacs last in the door-yard bloom’d,
And the great star early droop’d in the western sky in the night,
I mourn’d—and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring.