Children poems

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Mein Kind, Wir Waren Kinder

© Heinrich Heine

My child, we were just children,

Two happy kids, that’s all:

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The Burden Bearer

© Edgar Albert Guest

Oh, there's selfishness within me, there are times it gets to talkin',
Times I hear it whisper to me, "It's a dusty road you're walkin';
Why not rest your feet a little; why not pause an' take your leisure?
Don't you hunger in your strivin' for the merry whirl of pleasure?"
Then I turn an' see them smilin' an' I grip my burdens tighter,
For the joy that I am seekin' is to see their eyes grow brighter.

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Good Tidings; Or News From The Farm

© Robert Bloomfield

Where's the Blind Child, so admirably fair,

With guileless dimples, and with flaxen hair

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The Bride Of The Nile - Act I

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Act I Governor's Palace at Alexandria.
Act II Garden House of the Makawkas at On.
Act III On the Banks of the Nile. Time, th Century, A.D.

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The Horses

© Katharine Lee Bates

"Thus far 80,000 horses have been shipped from the United States to the European belligerents."

WHAT was our share in the sinning,

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Occasional Address

© Charlotte Turner Smith

Written for the benefit of a distressed Player, detained
at Brighthelmstone for Debt, November 1792.
WHEN in a thousand swarms, the summer o'er,
The birds of passage quit our English shore,
By various routs the feather'd myriad moves;
The Becca-Fica seeks Italian groves,

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The Voices Of The Ocean

© Robert Laurence Binyon

All the night the voices of ocean around my sleep
Their murmuring undulation sleepless kept.
Rocked in a dream I slept,
Till drawn from trances deep

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Georgic 2

© Publius Vergilius Maro

Thus far the tilth of fields and stars of heaven;

Now will I sing thee, Bacchus, and, with thee,

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The Men Who Made Bad Matches

© Henry Lawson

Oh, the men who made bad matches, and the Great Misunderstood,
Are through all the world a mighty and a silent brotherhood.
If a wife is discontented, every other woman knows—
But the men who made bad matches keep the cruel secret close.

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© Edgar Albert Guest

She was gentle, she was true,

And her tender eyes of blue

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The Song Of Hiawatha II: The Four Winds

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Honor be to Mudjekeewis!"

Cried the warriors, cried the old men,

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© Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

La donna, inzino ar venti, si è contenta
Mamma, l'anni che ttiè ssempre li canta:
Ne cresce uno oggni cinque inzino ar trenta,
Eppoi se ferma lì ssino a quaranta.

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Three Wives Of A Mandarin

© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

There is still some wine left in the chalice,
And the plate that’s served is nests of the swallows.
Since the birth of time, the legal spouse
Is respected by her mandarin-husband.

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The Wind on the Hills

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

Go not to the hills of Erin
When the night winds are about,
Put up your bar and shutter,
And so keep the danger out.

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Beautifying The Flag

© Edgar Albert Guest

To us the Flag has little meant.

  Each glorious stripe of red

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The Things They Mustn't Touch

© Edgar Albert Guest

Been down to the art museum an' looked at a thousand things,
The bodies of ancient mummies an' the treasures of ancient kings,
An' some of the walls were lovely, but some of the things weren't much,
But all had a rail around 'em, an' all wore a sign "Don't touch."

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An Ode - In Imitation of Horace, Book III. Ode II.

© Matthew Prior

How long, deluded Albion, wilt thou lie

In the lethargic sleep, the sad repose

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Poems Of Joys

© Walt Whitman

O to make the most jubilant poem!
Even to set off these, and merge with these, the carols of Death.
O full of music! full of manhood, womanhood, infancy!
Full of common employments! full of grain and trees.

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Night of the Scorpion

© Nissim Ezekiel

I remember the night my mother
was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours
of steady rain had driven him
to crawl beneath a sack of rice.

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Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Perished Miserably

© Hilaire Belloc

A trick that everyone abhors
In little girls is slamming doors.
A wealthy banker's little daughter
Who lived in Palace Green, Bayswater
(By name Rebecca Offendort),
Was given to this furious sport.