Children poems

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Here—now—our age of socialism!...

© Boris Pasternak

Here—now—our age of socialism!
Here in the thick of life below.
Today in the name of things to be
Into the future forth we go.

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Sonnet 36: The Children of the Night

© Edwin Arlington Robinson

The sonnet is a crown, whereof the rhymes
Are for Thought’s purest gold the jewel-stones;  
But shapes and echoes that are never done
Will haunt the workshop, as regret sometimes
Will bring with human yearning to sad thrones
The crash of battles that are never won.

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A Story Of Doom: Book III.

© Jean Ingelow

Above the head of great Methuselah
There lay two demons in the opened roof
Invisible, and gathered up his words;
For when the Elder prophesied, it came
About, that hidden things were shown to them,
And burdens that he spake against his time.

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Evangeline: Part The First. IV.

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Then came the evening service. The tapers gleamed from the altar.
Fervent and deep was the voice of the priest, and the people responded,
Not with their lips alone, but their hearts; and the Ave Maria
Sang they, and fell on their knees, and their souls, with devotion translated,
Rose on the ardor of prayer, like Elijah ascending to heaven.

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Maha-Bharata, The Epic Of Ancient India - Book VII - Udyoga -- (The Preparation)

© Romesh Chunder Dutt

And to far Hastina's palace Krishna went to sue for peace,
Raised his voice against the slaughter, begged that strife and feud
  should cease!

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Marmion: Introduction to Canto III.

© Sir Walter Scott

Like April morning clouds, that pass,

With varying shadow, o'er the grass,

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A Poem. Dedication of the Pittsfield Cemetery

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

The sun shall set, and heaven’s resplendent spheres
Gild the smooth turf unhallowed yet by tears,
But ah! how soon the evening stars will shed
Their sleepless light around the slumbering dead!

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Old Granny Sullivan

© John Shaw Neilson

A pleasant shady place it is, a pleasant place and cool -
The township folk go up and down, the children pass to school.
Along the river lies my world, a dear sweet world to me:
I sit and learn - I cannot go; there is so much to see.

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Chomei At Toyama

© Basil Bunting

Swirl sleeping in the waterfall!
On motionless pools scum appearing

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 03 - part 01

© Torquato Tasso


The camp at great Jerusalem arrives:

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Temper Of Time

© Sylvia Plath

An ill wind is stalking
While evil stars whir
And all the gold apples
Go bad to the core.

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The Well-Dressed Children

© Robert Graves

Here's flowery taffeta for Mary's new gown:
  Here's black velvet, all the rage, for Dick's birthday coat.
Pearly buttons for you, Mary, all the way down,
  Lace ruffles, Dick, for you; you'll be a man of note.

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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt. Canto IV.

© George Gordon Byron


I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs;

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Three Little Children

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

Three little children

On the wide wide earth,

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Purgatorio (English)

© Dante Alighieri

To run o'er better waters hoists its sail
  The little vessel of my genius now,
  That leaves behind itself a sea so cruel;

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Only a Woman

© Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

"She loves with love that cannot tire:
  And if, ah, woe! she loves alone,
 Through passionate duty love flames higher,
  As grass grows taller round a stone."
 Coventry Patmore.

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© Caroline Norton

When the mournful Jewish mother
Laid her infant down to rest,
In doubt, and fear, and sorrow,
On the water's changeful breast;

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‘Erbert’s H’Opinion

© Edgar Albert Guest

H’if a yankee cutthroat ‘acks ‘is poor hold mother,

H’it tykes a year to pack ‘im h’off to jyle;

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Sonnet LXXXIV: Farewell to the Glen

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Sweet stream-fed glen, why say “farewell” to thee

Who far'st so well and find'st for ever smooth

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A Ballad of the Wise Men

© Margaret Widdemer

The Christ-Child lay in Bethlehem

And the Wise Men gave Him gold,