Children poems

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© Ralph Hodgson

It's sixty years ago, the people say:

Two village children, neighbours born and bred,

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Tirocinium; or, a Review of Schools

© William Cowper

It is not from his form, in which we trace

Strength join'd with beauty, dignity with grace,

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Coronation Ode

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

O Thou enfolded in grief,
Man, with thy mantle of scorn!
Arise and warn!
Unloved prophet of ill

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Malcolm's Katie: A Love Story - Part V.

© Isabella Valancy Crawford

Said the high hill, in the morning: "Look on me--

"Behold, sweet earth, sweet sister sky, behold

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Child Ballad

© Charles Kingsley

Jesus, He loves one and all,
Jesus, He loves children small,
Their souls are waiting round His feet
On high, before His mercy-seat.

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Amusing Trial, in Which a Yankee Lawyer Rendered a Just Verdict.

© Anonymous

And seek his fortune, he could find
Another master half so kind,
And who would give so large a share
Of the small pittance he could spare,
And every privilege could grant,
Which he could need or ever want;

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The Camp

© Mary Darby Robinson

Tents, marquees, and baggage waggons;

Suttling-houses, beer in flagons;

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The Mask Of Anarchy

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

As I lay asleep in Italy
There came a voice from over the Sea,
And with great power it forth led me
To walk in the visions of Poesy.

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Clean by Jeff Vande Zande: American Life in Poetry #82 Ted Kooser, U.S. Poet Laureate 2004-2006

© Ted Kooser

Many poems celebrate the joys of having children. Michigan poet Jeff Vande Zande reminds us that adults make mistakes, even with children they love, and that parenting is about fear as well as joy.

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An Anniversary

© Ada Cambridge

AS flower to sun its drop of dew
 Gives from its crystal cup,
So I, as morning gift to you,
 This poor verse offer up.


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© Edgar Albert Guest

There’s a twinkle in her eye,

O, so merry! O, so sly!

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Riding Round the Lines

© Henry Lawson

Dust and smoke against the sunrise out where grim disaster lurks
And a broken sky-line looming like unfinished railway works,
And a trot, trot, trot and canter down inside the belt of mines:
It is General Greybeard Shrapnel who is riding round his lines.

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Hudibras: Part 1 - Canto III

© Samuel Butler

Quoth RALPHO, Truly that is no
Hard matter for a man to do,
That has but any guts in 's brains,
And cou'd believe it worth his pains;
But since you dare and urge me to it,
You'll find I've light enough to do it.

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Guy Of The Temple

© John Hay

Night hangs above the valley; dies the day
In peace, casting his last glance on my cross,
And warns me to my prayers. _Ave Maria!
  Mother of God! the evening fades
  On wave and hill and lea_,

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The Psalm Of Adonis - excerpt from Idyll XV.

© Theocritus

O Queen that loves Golgi, and Idalium,
And the steep of Eryx,
O Aphrodite, that playes with gold,
Lo, from the stream eternal of Acheron

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Learn To Smile

© Edgar Albert Guest

The good Lord understood us when He taught us how to smile;
He knew we couldn't stand it to be solemn all the while;
He knew He'd have to shape us so that when our hearts were gay,
We could let our neighbors know it in a quick and easy way.

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Celebration Of Peace

© Friedrich Hölderlin

The holy, familiar hall, built long ago,

Is aired, and filled with heavenly,

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The Borough. Letter IV: Sects And Professions In Religion

© George Crabbe

"SECTS in Religion?"--Yes of every race

We nurse some portion in our favour'd place;

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Song of the Innocents

© George MacDonald

Merry, merry we well may be,

For Jesus Christ is come down to see:

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The Kangaroo

© Barron Field

When sooty swans are once more rare,
And duck-moles the Museum's care,
Be still the glory of this land,
Happiest Work of finest Hand!