Children poems

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An Elegy

© Thomas Randolph

Love, give me leave to serve thee and be wise,

To keep thy torch in but restore blind eyes.

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Emancipation Song

© Anonymous

Let waiting throngs now lift their voices,
As Freedom's glorious day draws near,
While every gentle tongue rejoices,
And each bold heart is filled with cheer;
The slave has seen the Northern star,
He'll soon be free, hurrah, hurrah!

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The Village Saturday Night

© Giacomo Leopardi

  The dearest day of all the week
  Is this, of hope and joy so full;
  To-morrow, sad and dull,
  The hours will bring, for each must in his thought
  His customary task-work seek.

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Foreign Lands

© Henry Lawson

Here we slave the dull years hopeless for the sake of Wool and Wheat
Here the homes of ugly Commerce—niggard farm and haggard street;
Yet our mothers and our fathers won the life the heart demands—
Less than fifty years gone over, we were born in Foreign Lands.

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Dream Song 172

© John Berryman

Your face broods from my table, Suicide.
Your force came on like a torrent toward the end
of agony and wrath.
You were christened in the beginning Sylvia Plath
and changed that name for Mrs Hughes and bred
and went on round the bend

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Pan The Fallen

© William Wilfred Campbell

He wandered into the market
  With pipes and goatish hoof;
  He wandered in a grotesque shape,
  And no one stood aloof.

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The Crisis

© George Meredith

Spirit of Russia, now has come

The day when thou canst not be dumb.

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© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

Look at the moon in the midst of
Vastly magnificent sky bed;
Hear the young winds among bamboo;
Feel the air – heavy with fragrance.
Families always are blessed!

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The Last Review

© Henry Lawson

Turn the light down, nurse, and leave me, while I hold my last review,
For the Bush is slipping from me, and the town is going too:
Draw the blinds, the streets are lighted, and I hear the tramp of feet—
And I’m weary, very weary, of the Faces in the Street.

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Mexican Quarter

© John Gould Fletcher

By an alley lined with tumble-down shacks,

And street-lamps askew, half-sputtering,

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Jean De Breboeuf

© Virna Sheard

As Jean de Breboeuf told his rosary
  At sundown in his cell, there came a call!--
Clear as a bell rung on a ship at sea,
  Breaking the beauty of tranquillity--
Down from the heart of Heaven it seemed to fall:

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Within and Without: Part I: A Dramatic Poem

© George MacDonald

Head in your hands as usual! You will fret
Your life out, sitting moping in the dark.
Come, it is supper-time.

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Madala Goes By The Orphanage

© Muriel Stuart

Unaware of its terror,

And but half aware

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Since I’ve Been In Jail

© Nazim Hikmet

Since I've been in jail

the world has turned around the sun ten times

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Rhyme and Reason

© Piet Hein

There was an old woman

who lived in a shoe.

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Wanted--A Little Girl

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Where have they gone to-the little girls
With natural manners and natural curls;
Who love their dollies and like their toys,
And talk of something besides the boys?

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Echoes Of Spring

© Mathilde Blind

I WALK about in driving snow,
  And drizzling rain, splashed o'er and o'er;
No sign that radiant spring e'en now
  Stands at the threshold of the door.

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"your body is my map"

© Nizar Qabbani

raise me more love… raise me

my prettiest fits of madness

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The Human Tragedy ACT IV

© Alfred Austin


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The Colonists

© Katharine Tynan

To men now of her blood and race
England's a little garden place,
Dear as a woman is, and she
The Queen of every loyalty.