Children poems

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The Swallow

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

How I hate the sparrows, the sparrows, the sparrows.

In and out and round the house all the live-long day,

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Life And Hereafter

© Edgar Albert Guest

NOT over there do I await

Reward for patience here below,

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Down Stream

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

BETWEEN Holmscote and Hurstcote

The river-reaches wind,

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Australian Federation

© William Gay

FROM all division let our land be free,  

 For God has made her one: complete she lies  

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Aurora Leigh: Book Niinth

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

An active kind of curse. I stood there cursed,
Confounded. I had seized and caught the sense
Of the letter, with its twenty stinging snakes,
In a moment's sweep of eyesight, and I stood
Dazed.-"Ah! not married."

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© Denis Florence MacCarthy

Where foams the white torrent, and rushes the rill,

Down the murmuring slopes of the echoing hill-

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The Masque of Plenty

© Rudyard Kipling

"How sweet is the shepherd's sweet life!
 From the dawn to the even he strays -
And his tongue shall be filled with praise.
 (adagio dim.) Filled with praise!"

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Ashtaroth: A Dramatic Lyric

© Adam Lindsay Gordon

Orion: But an understanding tacit.
You have prospered much since the day we met;
You were then a landless knight;
You now have honour and wealth, and yet
I never can serve you right.

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The Eavesdropper

© Bliss William Carman

 The livelong day the elvish leaves
 Danced with their shadows on the floor;
 And the lost children of the wind
 Went straying homeward by our door.

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Hymn - He Sendeth Sun, He Sendeth Shower

© Sarah Flower Adams

He sendeth sun, he sendeth shower,
Alike they're needful for the flower:
And joys and tears alike are sent
To give the soul fit nourishment.
As comes to me or cloud or sun,
Father! thy will, not mine, be done!

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The Mother Watch

© Edgar Albert Guest

She never closed her eyes in sleep till we were all in bed;
On party nights till we came home she often sat and read.
We little thought about it then, when we were young and gay,
How much the mother worried when we children were away.
We only knew she never slept when we were out at night,
And that she waited just to know that we'd come home all right.

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Genesis BK XVII

© Caedmon

(ll. 1002-1005) Then the Lord of glory spake unto Cain, and asked
where Abel was.  Quickly the cursed fashioner of death made
answer unto Him:

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© Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

By Sir W. S.


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From Iphigenia In Tauris

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The deities dread!
The mastery hold they
In hands all-eternal,
And use them, unquestioned,
What manner they like.

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The Defence of Lucknow

© Alfred Tennyson


BANNER of England, not for a season, O banner of Britain, hast thou

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The Delectable Day

© Charles Kingsley

The boy on the famous gray pony,
Just bidding good-bye at the door,
Plucking up maiden heart for the fences
Where his brother won honour of yore.

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Earth's Secret

© George Meredith

Not solitarily in fields we find

Earth's secret open, though one page is there;

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The Lady, the Knight, and the Friar

© Thomas Love Peacock

O cavalier! what dost thou here,
Thy tuneful vigils keeping;
While the northern star looks cold from far
And half the world is sleeping?

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To Hope

© Mathilde Blind

OH come, thou power divine,

  Thou lovely spirit with the wings of light,