Children poems

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Pharsalia - Book VII: The Battle

© Marcus Annaeus Lucanus

  Then burned their souls
At these his words, indignant at the thought,
And Rome rose up within them, and to die
Was welcome.

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The Call

© Edgar Albert Guest

Joy stands on the hilltops,

Beckoning to me,

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The Panama Canal

© Edgar Albert Guest

ABOVE it flies the flag we love,

Within it is the blood we gave;

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To Mr. Edward Howard on His New Utopia

© Charles Sackville

Thou damn'd antipodes to common sense!

 Thou foil to Flecknoe! Prithee tell from whence

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To Santa Claus

© James Whitcomb Riley

Most tangible of all the gods that be,
O Santa Claus-- our own since Infancy!
As first we scampered to thee-- now, as then,
Take us as children to thy heart again.

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The Sleepless Jesus

© George MacDonald

'Tis time to sleep, my little boy:

Why gaze thy bright eyes so?

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Children's Playground In The City

© Edith Nesbit

THIS is a place where men laid their dead,

  Each with his life-tale of good or ill;

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The Stockman

© Anonymous

A bright sun and a loosened rein,

 A whip whose pealing sound

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The Fallen Leaves

© Caroline Norton

WE stand among the fallen leaves,
Young children at our play,
And laugh to see the yellow things

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The Unhappy Lot Of Mr. Knott

© James Russell Lowell

My worthy friend, A. Gordon Knott,
  From business snug withdrawn,
Was much contented with a lot
That would contain a Tudor cot
'Twixt twelve feet square of garden-plot,
  And twelve feet more of lawn.

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Grace Jennings Carmicheal

© Henry Lawson

I hate the pen, the foolscap fair,

  The poet’s corner, and the page,

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Hiroshima Child

© Nazim Hikmet

I come and stand at every door
But none can hear my silent tread
I knock and yet remain unseen
For I am dead for I am dead

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Lines On Seeing My Wife And Two Children Sleeping In The Same Chamber

© Thomas Hood

And has the earth lost its so spacious round,
The sky its blue circumference above,
That in this little chamber there is found
Both earth and heaven—my universe of love!

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Genesis BK XVI

© Caedmon

(ll. 918-924) And unto Eve God spake in wrath: "Turn thee from
joy!  Thou shalt live under man's dominion, sore smitten with
fear before him.  With bitter sorrow shalt thou expiate thy sin,
waiting for death, bringing forth sons and daughters in the world
with grief and tears and lamentation."

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The Kalevala - Rune III

© Elias Lönnrot


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Father, Father Abraham

© James Weldon Johnson

Father, Father Abraham,
Today look on us from above;
On us, the offspring of thy faith,
The children of thy Christ-like love.

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The Borough. Letter XXIV: Schools

© George Crabbe

pride, -
Their room, the sty in which th' assembly meet,
In the close lane behind the Northgate-street;
T'observe his vain attempts to keep the peace,
Till tolls the bell, and strife and troubles cease,

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Noey's Night-Piece

© James Whitcomb Riley

"It _seemed_ a good-'eal _longer_, but I _know_
He sung and plunked there half a' hour er so
Afore, it 'peared like, he could ever git
His own free qualified consents to quit
And go off 'bout his business. When he went
I bet you could a-bought him fer a cent!

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Cypher Seven [07]

© Henry Lawson

The nearer camp fires lighted,

  The distant beacons bright—

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A Story of the Sea-Shore

© George MacDonald

It was a simple tale, a monotone:
She climbed one sunny hill, gazed once abroad,
Then wandered down, to pace a dreary plain;
Alas! how many such are told by night,
In fisher-cottages along the shore!