Children poems

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Christmas Carol

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

FAIR Gratitude! in strain sublime,
Swell high to heav'n thy tuneful zeal;
And, hailing this auspicious time,
Kneel, Adoration! kneel!

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A Small Room In Aspen

© William Matthews

Stains on the casements,
dustmotes, spiderless webs.
No chairs, and a man waking up,
or he's falling asleep

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Don Juan: Canto The First

© George Gordon Byron

I want a hero: an uncommon want,

When every year and month sends forth a new one,

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Cornelia’s Jewels

© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

Among the haughtiest of her sex, in noble, quiet pride,
Cornelia stood, with mien that seemed their folly vain to chide:
No jewels sparkled on her brow, so high, so purely fair,
No gems were mingled ’mid her waves of dark and glossy hair;
And yet was she, amidst them all, despite their dazzling mien,
A woman in her gentle grace—in majesty a queen.

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© Edgar Albert Guest

It's bedtime, and we lock the door,
Put out the lights--the day is o'er;
All that can come of good or ill,
The record of this day to fill,
Is written down; the worries cease,
And old and young may rest in peace.

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© Edith Nesbit

WHEN I am busying about,

Sewing on buttons, tapes, and strings,

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The Poet Laberius

© Oliver Goldsmith



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An Onset

© James Clerk Maxwell

Hallo ye, my fellows! arise and advance,

See the white-crested waves how they stamp and they dance!

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Michael Oaktree

© Alfred Noyes

Under an arch of glorious leaves I passed
Out of the wood and saw the sickle moon
Floating in daylight o'er the pale green sea.

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Mother's Party Dress

© Edgar Albert Guest

"Some day," says Ma, "I'm goin' to get

A party dress all trimmed with jet,

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A Cottage In A Chine

© Jean Ingelow

We reached the place by night,
  And heard the waves breaking:
They came to meet us with candles alight
  To show the path we were taking.
A myrtle, trained on the gate, was white
  With tufted flowers down shaking.

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The Farewell

© Khalil Gibran

So saying he made a signal to the seamen, and straightaway they weighed anchor and cast the ship loose from its moorings, and they moved eastward.
And a cry came from the people as from a single heart, and it rose the dusk and was carried out over the sea like a great trumpeting.
Only Almitra was silent, gazing after the ship until it had vanished into the mist.
And when all the people were dispersed she still stood alone upon the sea-wall, remembering in her heart his saying,
A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me."

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Sister Songs-An Offering To Two Sisters - Part The Second

© Francis Thompson

'Tis a vision:
Yet the greeneries Elysian
He has known in tracts afar;
Thus the enamouring fountains flow,
Those the very palms that grow,
By rare-gummed Sava, or Herbalimar. -

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Paradise Lost : Book I.

© John Milton

Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit

Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste

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Christmas Welcome

© Alice Guerin Crist

Under the wintry skies,

Sundered from home and kin,

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A Play Festival In Ogden Park

© Harriet Monroe

Oh gay and shining June time!

Oh meadow brave and bright,

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The Silken Shoe

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

THE firelight danced and wavered
In elvish, twinkling glee
On the leaves and crimson berries
Of the great green Christmas Tree;

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Lines Written At Venice In 1865

© Frances Anne Kemble

Sleep, Venice, sleep! the evening gun resounds

  Over the waves that rock thee on their breast;

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Saarijarven Paavo

© Johan Ludvig Runeberg

Paavo took the good-wife´s hand and spake thus:
"Nay, the Lord but trieth, not forsaketh,
Mix thou in the bread a half of bark now,
I shall dig out twice as many ditches,
And await then from the Lord the increase.