Children poems

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A Goblin Christmas

© Anonymous

The windows rattled, the moonbeams tattled
A tale so strange and queer.
They told how at night, in dire affright
The Moon had hid in fear.

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The Hot Season

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

But soon the people could not bear
The slightest hint of fire;
Allusions to caloric drew
A flood of savage ire;

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Silent Camp

© Jessie Pope

In heaven, a pale uncertain star,
Through sullen vapour peeps,
On earth, extended wide and far,
In all the symmetry of war,
A weary army sleeps.

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© Oliver Wendell Holmes

I MAY not rightly call thy name,
Alas! thy forehead never knew
The kiss that happier children claim,
Nor glistened with baptismal dew.

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At Evening Time There Shall Be Light

© Edith Nesbit

THE day was wild with wind and rain,

  One grey wrapped sky and sea and shore,

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To Mary Field French

© Eugene Field

A dying mother gave to you
  Her child a many years ago;
How in your gracious love he grew,
  You know, dear, patient heart, you know.

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When We're All Alike

© Edgar Albert Guest

I've trudged life's highway up and down;

  I've watched the lines of men march by;

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A Story Of Doom: Book II.

© Jean Ingelow

Now ere the sunrise, while the morning star

Hung yet behind the pine bough, woke and prayed

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© Wilcox Ella Wheeler


Said Life to Death: “Methinks, if I were you,  

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A Margarita Debayle (To Margarita Debayle)

© Rubén Dario

"Éste era un rey que tenía
un palacio de diamantes,
una tienda hecha del día
y un rebaño de elefantes.

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A Christmas Carol

© James Russell Lowell

'What means this glory round our feet,'
  The Magi mused, 'more bright than morn?'
And voices chanted clear and sweet,
  'To-day the Prince of Peace is born!'

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The Prophecy Of St. Oran: Part II

© Mathilde Blind


THERE was a windless mere, on whose smooth breast

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Tales Of A Wayside Inn : Part 3. The Student's Tale; Emma and Eginhard

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Smaragdo, Abbot of St. Michael's, said,
With many a shrug and shaking of the head,
Surely some demon must possess the lad,
Who showed more wit than ever schoolboy had,
And learned his Trivium thus without the rod;
But Alcuin said it was the grace of God.

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The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb

© Heinrich Hoffmann

Mamma comes home: there Conrad stands,
And looks quite sad, and shows his hands;
"Ah!" said Mamma, "I knew he'd come
To naughty little Suck-a-Thumb."

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Literary Mother

© Edgar Albert Guest

HUSH, little ones don't make a noise

Pick up your dolls and pick up your toys,

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'Ex Ore Infantium'

© Francis Thompson

Little Jesus, wast Thou shy

Once, and just so small as I?

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The Birds Of Passage

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Birds, joyous birds of the wandering wing!
Whence is it ye come with the flowers of spring?
–"We come from the shores of the green old Nile,
From the land where the roses of Sharon smile,
From the palms that wave thro' the Indian sky,
From the myrrh-trees of glowing Araby.

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The Kalevala - Rune L

© Elias Lönnrot


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Oedipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot The Tyrant

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

  'Choose Reform or Civil War,
When through thy streets, instead of hare with dogs,
A Consort-Queen shall hunt a King with hogs,
Riding on the IONIAN MINOTAUR.'

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An Old Proverb

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

What is the value then
To all those sleeping men?
It will be all the same,
Passion and grief and blame.
This in the years to be,
My God, the tragedy!