Children poems

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Tale XX

© George Crabbe

All swept away, to be perceived no more,
Like idle structures on the sandy shore,
The chance amusement of the playful boy,
That the rude billows in their rage destroy.
  Poor George confess'd, though loth the truth to

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With Dickens

© Henry Lawson

In Windsor Terrace, number four,

  I’ve taken my abode—

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Father Death Blues

© Allen Ginsberg

Hey Father Death, I'm flying home
Hey poor man, you're all alone
Hey old daddy, I know where I'm going

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The Sword

© Isabella Valancy Crawford

At the forging of the Sword--
  The mountain roots were stirr'd,
  Like the heart-beats of a bird;
  Like flax the tall trees wav'd,
So fiercely struck the Forgers of the Sword.

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Griselda: A Society Novel In Verse - Chapter I

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

And thus I first beheld her, standing calm
In the swayed crowd upon her husband's arm,
One opera night, the centre of all eyes,
So proud she seemed, so fair, so sweet, so wise.
Some one behind me whispered ``Lady L.!
His Lordship too! and thereby hangs a tale.''

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The Aeneid of Virgil: Book 1

© Publius Vergilius Maro

ARMS, and the man I sing, who, forc’d by fate,  

And haughty Juno’s unrelenting hate,  

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The Mother's Funeral

© George Crabbe

The elder sister strove her pangs to hide,
And soothing words to younger minds applied:
"Be still, be patient;" oft she strove to say,
But fail'd as oft, and weeping turn'd away.

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A Tale Of True Love

© Alfred Austin

Not in the mist of legendary ages,
Which in sad moments men call long ago,
And people with bards, heroes, saints, and sages,
And virtues vanished, since we do not know,
But here to-day wherein we all grow old,
But only we, this Tale of True Love will be told.

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The Lady Of La Garaye - Conclusion

© Caroline Norton

PEACE to their ashes! Far away they lie,
Among their poor, beneath the equal sky.
Among their poor, who blessed them ere they went
For all the loving help and calm content.

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To The Royal Society

© Abraham Cowley


Philosophy the great and only heir

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On A Good Man (From The Greek)

© William Cowper

Traveller, regret not me; for thou shalt find

Just cause of sorrow none in my decease,

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The Field of Waterloo

© Sir Walter Scott


Fair Brussels, thou art far behind,

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For a Statue of the Heavenly Aphrodite

© Theocritus

Aphrodite stands here; she of heavenly birth;
Not that base one who's wooed by the children of earth.
'Tis a goddess; bow down. And one blemishless all,
Chrysogone, placed her in Amphicles' hall:

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Of Public Spirit In Regard To Public Works: An Epistle, To His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wa

© Richard Savage

Great Hope of Britain!-Here the Muse essays
A theme, which, to attempt alone, is praise.
Be Her's a zeal of Public Spirit known!
A princely zeal!-a spirit all your own!

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Sonnet XV: The Birth-Bond

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Have you not noted, in some family

Where two were born of a first marriage-bed,

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Flowers in Winter: Painted Upon a Porte Livre.

© John Greenleaf Whittier

How strange to greet, this frosty morn,
In graceful counterfeit of flower,
These children of the meadows, born
Of sunshine and of showers!

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The Antagonists

© Robert Laurence Binyon

``I am the will of the Fire
That bursts into boundless fury;
I am my own implacable desire.

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Gotham - Book II

© Charles Churchill

How much mistaken are the men who think

That all who will, without restraint may drink,

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A Song For Two Children

© Robert Graves

"Make a song, father, a new little song,
  All for Jenny and Nancy."
Balow lalow or Hey derry down,
  Or else what might you fancy?

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The Old Cumberland Beggar

© William Wordsworth

. I saw an aged Beggar in my walk;

  And he was seated, by the highway side,