Children poems

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The Song Of Hiawatha I: The Peace-Pipe

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

On the Mountains of the Prairie,

On the great Red Pipe-stone Quarry,

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Dante At Verona

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Behold, even I, even I am Beatrice.

(Div. Com. Purg. xxx.)

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The Abencerrage : Canto I.

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Lonely and still are now thy marble halls,
Thou fair Alhambra! there the feast is o'er;
And with the murmur of thy fountain-falls,
Blend the wild tones of minstrelsy no more.

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© Flexmore Hudson

Midsummer noon: and the timbered walls
start in the heat;
and the children sag listlessly over the desks,
with bloodless faces oozing sweat
sipped by the stinging flies.

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The Route March

© Henry Lawson

Shall you hear the children singing, O my brothers?
Shall you hear the children singing in the sunshine or the rain?
 There’ll be sobs beneath the ringing
 Of the cheers, and ’neath the singing
There’ll be tears of orphan children when
 Our Boys come back again!

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Hellas: A Lyrical Drama

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

The curtain of the Universe
  Is rent and shattered,
The splendour-wingèd worlds disperse
  Like wild doves scattered.

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How The Babes In The Wood Showed They Couldn't Be Beaten

© Guy Wetmore Carryl

A man of kind and noble mind
  Was H. Gustavus Hyde.
  'Twould be amiss to add to this
  At present, for he died,
  In full possession of his senses,
  The day before my tale commences.

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Getting There

© Sylvia Plath

How far is it?

How far is it now?

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In War-Time: A Prayer Of The Understanding

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

Lo, this is night. Hast thou, oh sun, refused

Thy countenance, or is thy golden arm

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My Happiest Dream

© Victor Marie Hugo

I love to look, as evening fails,

On vestals streaming in their veils,

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© Victor Marie Hugo

You can see it already: chalks and ochers;

Country crossed with a thousand furrow-lines;

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The Kalevala - Rune XIII

© Elias Lönnrot


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The Prioress’s Tale [from Chaucer]

© William Wordsworth

  "Call up him who left half told
  The story of Cambuscan bold."

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Book Tenth {Residence in France continued]

© William Wordsworth

IT was a beautiful and silent day

That overspread the countenance of earth,

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Fuchsia Hedges In Connacht

© Padraic Colum

I THINK some saint of Eirinn wandering far
Found you and brought you here Demoiselles!
For so I greet you in this alien air!

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© Alfred Austin

She came into the April air,

And passed across the silvery lawn;

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Young September

© Madison Julius Cawein

  With a look and a laugh where the stream was flowing,
  September led me along the land;
  Where the golden-rod and lobelia, glowing,
  Seemed burning torches within her hand.
  And faint as the thistle's or milk-weed's feather
  I glimpsed her form through the sparkling weather.

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Official Piety

© John Greenleaf Whittier

A PIOUS magistrate! sound his praise throughout
The wondering churches. Who shall henceforth doubt
That the long-wished millennium draweth nigh?
Sin in high places has become devout,

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© Carl Sandburg

Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your


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The Federal City

© Henry Lawson

OH! the folly, the waste, and the pity! Oh, the time that is flung behind!
They are seeking a site for a city, whose eyes shall be always blind,
Whose love for their ease grows greater, and whose care for their country less—
They are seeking a site for a city—a City of Selfishness.