Children poems

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© Henry Van Dyke

  O lead me by the hand,
  And let my heart have rest,
And bring me back to childhood land,
To find again the long-lost band
  Of playmates blithe and blest.

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© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Woe is me for 'Ommi 'Aufa! Woe for the tents of her
lost on thy stony plain, Durráj, on thine, Mutethéllemi!
In Rákmatéyn I found our dwelling, faint lines how desolate,
tent--markstraced like the vein--tracings blue on the wrists of her.

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The Jacquerie A Fragment

© Sidney Lanier

Chapter I.Once on a time, a Dawn, all red and bright
Leapt on the conquered ramparts of the Night,
And flamed, one brilliant instant, on the world,
Then back into the historic moat was hurled

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The Hard Times In Elfland

© Sidney Lanier

Strange that the termagant winds should scold
The Christmas Eve so bitterly!
But Wife, and Harry the four-year-old,
Big Charley, Nimblewits, and I,

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© Emma Lazarus

Thou two-faced year, Mother of Change and Fate,

Didst weep when Spain cast forth with flaming sword,

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Otho The Great - Act III

© John Keats

SCENE I. The Country.


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© George Meredith

Alive in marble, she conceived in soul,
With barren eyes and mouth, the mother's loss;
The bolt from her abandoned heaven sped;
The snowy army rolling knoll on knoll
Beyond horizon, under no blest Cross:
By the vulture dotted and engarlanded.

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© Sidney Lanier

I wander to the zigzag-cornered fence
Where sassafras, intrenched in brambles dense,
Contests with stolid vehemence
The march of culture, setting limb and thorn
As pikes against the army of the corn.

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Slowly the Black Earth Gains

© George Santayana

Slowly the black earth gains upon the yellow,
And the caked hill-side is ribbed soft with furrows.
Turn now again, with voice and staff, my ploughman,
Guiding thy oxen.

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© Sidney Lanier

I.O Age that half believ'st thou half believ'st,
Half doubt'st the substance of thine own half doubt,
And, half perceiving that thou half perceiv'st,
Stand'st at thy temple door, heart in, head out!

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© Dora Sigerson Shorter

The Virgin speaks  Draw back the starry curtains of the night,
O Cherubim, and Seraphim!
Pull back the purple curtains of the night,
For I would look once more upon the world,
That ere my sorrows made some young delight
In bird and bee and each earth-flower uncurled.

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Thar's More In the Man Than Thar Is In The Land

© Sidney Lanier

I knowed a man, which he lived in Jones,
Which Jones is a county of red hills and stones,
And he lived pretty much by gittin' of loans,
And his mules was nuthin' but skin and bones,
And his hogs was flat as his corn-bread pones,
And he had 'bout a thousand acres o' land.

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To A Fallen Elm

© John Clare

Old Elm that murmured in our chimney top
The sweetest anthem autumn ever made
And into mellow whispering calms would drop
When showers fell on thy many coloured shade

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© Margaret Widdemer

ALL my days are clear again and gentle with forgetting,
  Mornings cool with graciousness of time passed stilly by.
Evening sweet with call of birds and lilac-rose sun-setting,
  And starshine does not hurt my heart nor night-winds make me cry.

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© Maya Angelou

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

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The Nightingale's Nest

© John Clare

Up this green woodland-ride let's softly rove,
And list the nightingale— she dwells just here.
Hush ! let the wood-gate softly clap, for fear
The noise might drive her from her home of love ;

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Why Blossoms Fall

© Alma Frances McCollum

Dear Mother Earth her children trees
Clad well in robes of white,
That they may rest in perfect peace
Through all the winter night.

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The Word

© Edward Thomas

There are so many things I have forgot,
That once were much to me, or that were not,
All lost, as is a childless woman's child
And its child's children, in the undefiled

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The Hymn Of The Wiltshire Laborers

© Charles Dickens

  O God! who by Thy prophet's hand

  Didst smite the rocky brake,

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The Path

© Edward Thomas

RUNNING along a bank, a parapet
That saves from the precipitous wood below
The level road, there is a path. It serves
Children for looking down the long smooth steep,