Children poems

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M'Fingal - Canto I

© John Trumbull

When Yankies, skill'd in martial rule,

First put the British troops to school;

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The Yak

© Hilaire Belloc

As a friend to the children
Commend me the Yak.
You will find it exactly the thing:
It will carry and fetch, you can ride on its back,
Or lead it about with a string.

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Boris Godunov

© Alexander Pushkin

Boyars, The People, Inspectors, Officers, Attendants, Guests,
a Boy in attendance on Prince Shuisky, a Catholic Priest, a
Polish Noble, a Poet, an Idiot, a Beggar, Gentlemen, Peasants,
Guards, Russian, Polish, and German Soldiers, a Russian
Prisoner of War, Boys, an old Woman, Ladies, Serving-women.

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Franklin Hyde

© Hilaire Belloc

His Uncle came upon Franklin Hyde
Carousing in the Dirt.
He Shook him hard from Side to Side
And Hit him till it Hurt,

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Sonnet XXXI: Thou Comest!

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Thou comest! all is said without a word.

I sit beneath thy looks, as children do

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Through lane it lay—through bramble

© Emily Dickinson

Through lane it lay—through bramble—
Through clearing and through wood—
Banditti often passed us
Upon the lonely road.

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Balin and Balan

© Alfred Tennyson

Then Balan added to their Order lived
A wealthier life than heretofore with these
And Balin, till their embassage returned.

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Coole Park And Ballylee, 1931

© William Butler Yeats

Under my window-ledge the waters race,

Otters below and moor-hens on the top,

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© Hilaire Belloc

A trick that everyone abhors
In little girls is slamming doors.
A wealthy banker's little daughter
Who lived in Palace Green, Bayswater
(By name Rebecca Offendort),
Was given to this furious sport.

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The Dead Czar

© Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

But this man? Ah! for him
Funereal state, and ceremonial grand,
The stone-engraved sarcophagus, and then

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Little World

© Marina Tsvetaeva

Children - are staring of eyes so frightful,
Mischievous legs on a wooden floor,
Children - is sun in the gloomy motives,
Hypotheses' of happy sciences world.

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The Passing Of The Primroses

© Alfred Austin

Nay, rather, why should we longer stay?
We are not needed, now stooping showers
Have sandalled the feet of May with flowers.

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The Black Knight. (From The German Of Uhland)

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

'Twas Pentecost, the Feast of Gladness,
When woods and fields put off all sadness,
Thus began the King and spake:
So from the halls
Of ancient Hofburgh's walls,
A luxuriant Spring shall break.

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We Must Get Home

© James Whitcomb Riley

We must get home! How could we stray like this?--
So far from home, we know not where it is,--
Only in some fair, apple-blossomy place
Of children's faces--and the mother's face--
We dimly dream it, till the vision clears
Even in the eyes of fancy, glad with tears.

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The Borough. Letter VII: Professions--Physic

© George Crabbe

"I fear to die;"--"Let not your spirits sink,
You're always safe, while you believe and drink."
  How strange to add, in this nefarious trade,
That men of parts are dupes by dunces made:
That creatures, nature meant should clean our

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Ecologue IX

© Virgil

Say whither, Moeris?- Make you for the town,
Or on what errand bent?

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The Dead Christ

© Julia Ward Howe

Take the dead Christ to my chamber,

The Christ I brought from Rome;

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They Shall Be Mine, Saith The Lord

© John Newton

When sinners utter boasting words,
And glory in their shame;
The Lord, well-pleased, an ear affords
To those who fear his name.

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The Desert

© Mathilde Blind

Uncircumscribed, unmeasured, vast,
 Eternal as the Sea;
What lacks the tidal sea thou hast-
 Profound stability.