Children poems

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© Mary Darby Robinson

O'ER fallow plains and fertile meads,
AURORA lifts the torch of day;
The shad'wy brow of Night recedes,
Cold dew-drops fall from every spray;

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At the End

© Marilyn L. Taylor

In another time, a linen winding sheet
would already have been drawn
about her, the funeral drums by now

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© Marilyn L. Taylor

The children are back, the children are back—
They’ve come to take refuge, exhale and unpack;
The marriage has faltered, the job has gone bad,
Come open the door for them, Mother and Dad.

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Reverie, with Fries

© Marilyn L. Taylor

Straight-spined girl—yes, you of the glinting earrings,
amber skin and sinuous hair: what happened?
you’ve no business lunching with sticky children
here at McDonald’s.

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A Wreath To The Fish

© Nancy Willard

Who is this fish, still wearing its wealth,
flat on my drainboard, dead asleep,
its suit of mail proof only against the stream?
What is it to live in a stream,

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Songs of the Winter Days

© George MacDonald

The sky has turned its heart away,
The earth its sorrow found;
The daisies turn from childhood's play,
And creep into the ground.

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© John Jay Chapman


THE evening air exhales a spicy scent,

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A Humble Appeal

© Jessie Pope

SHE was a pretty, nicely mannered mare,
The children's pet, the master's pride and care,
Until a man in khaki came one day,
Looked at her teeth, and hurried her away.

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The Desert Wind

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

I went with happy heart (how happy!) a while since
Behind my camel flocks,
Piping all day where the Nile pastures end
And the white sand begins

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A Greek Girl

© Amy Levy

Alas, alas, such idle thoughts are vain!
O cruel, cruel sunlight, get thee gone!
O dear, dim shades of eve, come swiftly on!
That when quick lips, keen eyes, are closed in sleep,
Through the long night till dawn I then may weep.

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Father of light, and life, and love!

© James Montgomery

Father of light, and life, and love!
Thyself to us reveal;
As saints below, and saints above,
Thy sacred presence feel.

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Motel Seedy

© Thomas Lux

The artisans of this room, who designed the lamp base
(a huge red slug with a hole
where its heart should be) or chose this print
of a butterscotch sunset,

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A Voice From The Factories

© Caroline Norton

WHEN fallen man from Paradise was driven,
Forth to a world of labour, death, and care;
Still, of his native Eden, bounteous Heaven
Resolved one brief memorial to spare,

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A Library Of Skulls

© Thomas Lux

Shelves and stacks and shelves of skulls, a Dewey
Decimal number inked on each unfurrowed forehead.
Here's a skull
who, before he lost his fleshy parts

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© Alfred Austin

The lark went up, the mower whet his scythe,
On golden meads kine ruminating lay,
And all the world felt young again and blithe,
Just as to-day.

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The Night Cometh

© John McCrae

Cometh the night. The wind falls low,
The trees swing slowly to and fro:
Around the church the headstones grey
Cluster, like children strayed away
But found again, and folded so.

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To Daisies

© Francis Thompson

Ah, drops of gold in whitening flame

Burning, we know your lovely name -

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Sic Vos Non Vobis

© Ada Cambridge

Ye, that the untrod paths have braved,

 With heart and brain unbound;

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© John McCrae

I saw a King, who spent his life to weave
Into a nation all his great heart thought,
Unsatisfied until he should achieve
The grand ideal that his manhood sought;

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St. Roach

© Muriel Rukeyser

Yesterday I looked at one of you for the first time.
You were lighter that the others in color, that was
neither good nor bad.
I was really looking for the first time.
You seemed troubled and witty.