Children poems

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Found Out

© Edgar Albert Guest

“NEVER again," said Mrs. Green, as she swayed in her rocking chair,
"Never again will I think one house big enough for two to share;
Never again will I go away with another family,
I've had a month of that game this year, and once is enough for me.

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Pan with Us

© Robert Frost

Pan came out of the woods one day,--
His skin and his hair and his eyes were gray,
The gray of the moss of walls were they,--
And stood in the sun and looked his fill
At wooded valley and wooded hill.

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To The Men Of Kent

© William Wordsworth

VANGUARD of Liberty, ye men of Kent,
Ye children of a Soil that doth advance
Her haughty brow against the coast of France,

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A Peck of Gold

© Robert Frost

Dust always blowing about the town,
Except when sea-fog laid it down,
And I was one of the children told
Some of the blowing dust was gold.

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The Kalevala - Rune VII

© Elias Lönnrot


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On Receiving News of the War

© Isaac Rosenberg

Snow is a strange white word.
No ice or frost
Has asked of bud or bird
For Winter's cost.

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These Are The Clouds

© William Butler Yeats

THESE are the clouds about the fallen sun,

The majesty that shuts his burning eye:

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Children of Wealth

© Elizabeth Daryush

Go down, go out to elemental wrong,
Waste your too round limbs, tan your skin too white;
The glass of comfort, ignorance, seems strong
To-day, and yet perhaps this very night
You'll wake to horror's wrecking fire­ your home
Is wired within for this, in every room.

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Third Sunday In Lent

© John Keble

See Lucifer like lightning fall,
  Dashed from his throne of pride;
 While, answering Thy victorious call,
  The Saints his spoils divide;
  This world of Thine, by him usurped too long,
Now opening all her stores to heal Thy servants' wrong.

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The Honor Roll

© Edgar Albert Guest

The boys upon the honor roll, God bless them all, I pray!
  God watch them when they sleep at night, and guard them through the day.
  We've stamped their names upon our walls, the list in glory grows,
  Our brave boys and our splendid boys who stand to meet our foes.

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The peace of wild things

© Wendell Berry

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake

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Where the Sidewalk Ends

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

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© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

SONGS are like painted window-panes!
In darkness wrapp'd the church remains,
If from the market-place we view it;
Thus sees the ignoramus through it.
No wonder that he deems it tame,-
And all his life 'twill be the same.

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A Dramatic Poem

© William Butler Yeats

Second Sailor.  And I had thought to make
  A good round Sum upon this cruise, and turn -
  For I am getting on in life - to something
  That has less ups and downs than robbery.

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Bridge Over The Aire Book 6

© Barry Tebb


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Hold Hard The Ancient Minutes

© Dylan Thomas

Hold hard, these ancient minutes in the cuckoo's month,
Under the lank, fourth folly on Glamorgan's hill,
As the green blooms ride upward, to the drive of time;
Time, in a folly's rider, like a county man
Over the vault of ridings with his hound at heel,
Drives forth my men, my children, from the hanging south.

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© Barry Tebb

“Remember, you loved me, when we were young, one day”