Children poems

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Siege and Conquest of Alhama, The

© Lord Byron

The Moorish King rides up and down,
Through Granada's royal town;
From Elvira's gate to those
Of Bivarambla on he goes.
Woe is me, Alhama!

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The Human Tragedy ACT III

© Alfred Austin


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The Siege and Conquest of Alhama

© Lord Byron

The Moorish King rides up and down,
Through Granada's royal town;
From Elvira's gate to those
Of Bivarambla on he goes.
Woe is me, Alhama!

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Bride of Abydos, The

© Lord Byron

"Had we never loved so kindly,
Had we never loved so blindly,
Never met or never parted,
We had ne'er been broken-hearted." — Burns

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The Christmas-Box

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

THIS box, mine own sweet darling, thou wilt find

With many a varied sweetmeat's form supplied;

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The Good-Natured Girls

© Ann Taylor

TWO good little children, named Mary and Ann,
Both happily live, as good girls always can;
And though they are not either sullen or mute,
They seldom or never are heard to dispute.

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The Bride of Abydos

© Lord Byron

"Had we never loved so kindly,
Had we never loved so blindly,
Never met or never parted,
We had ne'er been broken-hearted." — Burns

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Of the four Humours in Mans Constitution.

© Anne Bradstreet

The former four now ending their discourse,

Ceasing to vaunt their good, or threat their force.

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A Book Of Strife In The Form Of The Diary Of An Old Soul - March

© George MacDonald


THE song birds that come to me night and morn,

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When Father Shook The Stove

© Edgar Albert Guest

'Twas not so many years ago,

Say, twenty-two or three,

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© Lord Byron

Proud Otho on the instant, reddening, threw
His glove on earth, and forth his sabre flew.
"The last alternative befits me best,
And thus I answer for mine absent guest."

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Hermann And Dorothea - VI. Klio

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thus the magistrate spoke. The others departed and thanked him,
And the pastor produced a gold piece (the silver his purse held
He some hours before had with genuine kindness expended
When he saw the fugitives passing in sorrowful masses).

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Virtue is Its Own Reward

© Harry Graham

Virtue its own reward? Alas!
  And what a poor one as a rule!
Be Virtuous and Life will pass
  Like one long term of Sunday-School.
(No prospect, truly, could one find
More unalluring to the mind.)

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When We Were Kids

© Edgar Albert Guest

WHEN we wuz kids together, an' we didn't have a care,

In the lazy days of summer, when our feet wuz allus bare,

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Central Park Violence

© Sharon Esther Lampert

Sharon Esther Lampert
Sexiest Creative Genius in Human History
8th Prophetess of Israel: 22 Commandments

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© Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Lie there; sleep awhile in your own dew,
Ye faint-eyed children of the ... Hours,’
Fiordispina said, and threw the flowers
Which she had from the breathing--

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On The Companionship With Nature

© Archibald Lampman

Let us be much with Nature; not as they

That labour without seeing, that employ

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Regarding Art

© Nazim Hikmet

Sometimes, I, too, tell the ah's
of my heart one by one
like the blood-red beads
of a ruby rosary strung
on strands of golden hair!

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The Kalevala - Rune XLIV

© Elias Lönnrot


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On Living

© Nazim Hikmet

ILiving is no laughing matter:
you must live with great seriousness
like a squirrel, for example--
I mean without looking for something beyond and above living,