Children poems

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An Epitaph

© Matthew Prior

Stet quicunque volet potens

Aulae culmine lubrico, &c. ~ Seneca.

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The Hard Times In Elfland [A Story of Christmas Eve]

© Sidney Lanier

Strange that the termagant winds should scold
The Christmas Eve so bitterly!
But Wife, and Harry the four-year-old,
Big Charley, Nimblewits, and I,

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The Third Monarchy, being the Grecian, beginning under Alexander the Great in the 112. Olympiad.

© Anne Bradstreet

Great Alexander was wise Philips son,

He to Amyntas, Kings of Macedon;

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Vision of Columbus – Book 3

© Joel Barlow

Now, twice twelve years, the children of the skies

Beheld in peace their growing empire rise;

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At Noey's House

© James Whitcomb Riley

Behind the kitchen, then, with special pride
Noey stirred up a terrapin inside
The rain-barrel where he lived, with three or four
Little mud-turtles of a size not more
In neat circumference than the tiny toy
Dumb-watches worn by every little boy.

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Dream With Clam-Diggers

© Sylvia Plath

This dream budded bright with leaves around the edges,
Its clear air winnowed by angels; she was come
Back to her early sea-town home
Scathed, stained after tedious pilgrimages.

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Limitations Of Benevolence

© Julia Ward Howe

"The beggar boy is none of mine,"
  The reverend doctor strangely said;
  "I do not walk the streets to pour
  Chance benedictions on his head.

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To My First Love

© Hristo Botev

Put aside that song of love,
do not fill my heart with pain -
I'm young but I don't know of youth
and if I did I wouldn't claim

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On the Paroo

© Henry Kendall

AS WHEN the strong stream of a wintering sea

Rolls round our coast, with bodeful breaks of storm,

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Sydney Exhibition Cantata

© Henry Kendall

A gracious morning on the hills of wet
And wind and mist her glittering feet has set;
The life and heat of light have chased away
Australia's dark, mysterious yesterday.
A great, glad glory now flows down and shines
On gold-green lands where waved funereal pines.

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The Princess (part 7)

© Alfred Tennyson

'If you be, what I think you, some sweet dream,
I would but ask you to fulfil yourself:
But if you be that Ida whom I knew,
I ask you nothing:  only, if a dream,
Sweet dream, be perfect.  I shall die tonight.
Stoop down and seem to kiss me ere I die.'

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© Sappho

Children astray to their mothers, and goats to the herd,
Sheep to the shepherd, through twilight the wings of the bird,
All things that morning has scattered with fingers of gold,
All things thou bringest, O Evening! at last to the fold.

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"Sed Nos Qui Vivimus"

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

How beautiful is life--the physical joy of sense and breathing;
The glory of the world which has found speech and speaks to us;
The robe which summer throws in June round the white bones of winter;
The new birth of each day, itself a life, a world, a sun!

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Old Memory

© William Butler Yeats

O THOUGHT, fly to her when the end of day

Awakens an old memory, and say,

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Maha-Bharata, The Epic Of Ancient India - Book II - Swayamvara (The Bride's Choice)

© Romesh Chunder Dutt

The mutual jealousies of the princes increased from day to day, and
when Yudhishthir, the eldest of all the princes and the eldest son of
the late Pandu, was recognised heir-apparent, the anger of Duryodhan
and his brothers knew no bounds. And they formed a dark scheme to
kill the sons of Pandu.

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Sonnet IV. To The Moon

© Charlotte Turner Smith

QUEEN of the silver bow!--by thy pale beam,
Alone and pensive, I delight to stray,
And watch thy shadow trembling in the stream,
Or mark the floating clouds that cross thy way.

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Psychological Warfare

© Henry Reed

Be that as it may, some time in the very near future,
We are to expect Invasion… and invasion not from the sea.
Vast numbers of troops will be dropped, probably from above,
Superbly equipped, determined and capable; and this above all,
Remember: they will be very brave men, and chosen as such.

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© Augusta Davies Webster

Spring Stornelli.


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© William Wordsworth

WHEN Ruth was left half desolate,
Her Father took another Mate;
And Ruth, not seven years old,
A slighted child, at her own will
Went wandering over dale and hill,
In thoughtless freedom, bold.

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The Tunnel

© Hart Crane

Our tongues recant like beaten weather vanes.
This answer lives like verdigris, like hair
Beyond extinction, surcease of the bone;
And repetition freezes—“What