Children poems

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A Friend's Song for Simoisius

© Louise Imogen Guiney

The breath of dew, and twilight's grace,
Be on the lonely battle-place;
And to so young, so kind a face,
The long, protecting grasses cling!
(Alas, alas,
The one inexorable thing!)

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The Maid-Martyr

© Jean Ingelow

Her face, O! it was wonderful to me,
There was not in it what I look'd for-no,
I never saw a maid go to her death,
How should I dream that face and the dumb soul?

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The Secret Pool

© Roderic Quinn

I KNOW a pool unknown to men,
Whose green and shadowed secrecy
I share alone with bird and tree,
And there, when I am sick at heart

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His Apologies

© Rudyard Kipling

Master, this is Thy Servant. He is rising eight weeks old.
He is mainly Head and Tummy. His legs are uncontrolled.
But Thou hast forgiven his ugliness, and settled him on Thy knee . . .
Art Thou content with Thy Servant? He is very comfy with Thee.

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Greatest of beings! Source of life!

© George Dyer

Greatest of beings! Source of life!
Sovereign of air, and earth, and sea!
All nature feels thy power, and all
A silent homage pays to Thee.

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© Adam Lindsay Gordon

The Lord shall slay or the Lord shall save!

He is righteous whether He save or slay -

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The Tasmanian Aborigine's Lament

© Anonymous

Fair island of my birth, thy distant rocks
Call forth the tenderest feelings of my heart;
Although the sight of thee my yearning mocks,
For cruel waves thee from my children part.
Ah! White man, why---Oh! Why thy childhood's home
Did'st thou abandon, to drive us from ours?

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The Coming Era

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

THEY tell us that the Muse is soon to fly hence,
Leaving the bowers of song that once were dear,
Her robes bequeathing to her sister, Science,
The groves of Pindus for the axe to clear.

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The Disgrace Of Poverty

© Edgar Albert Guest

The lady what comes up to our house t' wash

Is awfully poor, an' she's got

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Trivia ; or, the Art of Walking the Streets of London : Book II.

© John Gay

Of Walking the Streets by Day.

Thus far the Muse has trac'd in useful lays

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The Dunciad: Book II.

© Alexander Pope

Not with more glee, by hands Pontific crown'd,
With scarlet hats wide-waving circled round,
Rome in her Capitol saw Querno sit,
Throned on seven hills, the Antichrist of wit.

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The Fever-Dream

© Caroline Norton

IT was a fever-dream; I lay
Awake, as in the broad bright day,
But faint and worn I drew my breath
Like those who wait for coming death;

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Our Country

© Edgar Albert Guest

God grant that we shall never see

  Our country slave to lust and greed;

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Nightmare For Future Reference

© Stephen Vincent Benet

"Not like this," he said. "I can show you the curve.
It looks like the side of a mountain, going down.
And faster, the last three months yes, a good deal faster.
I showed it to Lobenheim and he was puzzled.
It makes a neat problem yes?" He looked at me.

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© Herman Melville

Children of my happier prime,

When One yet lived with me, and threw

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The Front Seat

© Edgar Albert Guest

When I was but a little lad I always liked to ride,

No matter what the rig we had, right by the driver's side.

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Nightmare At Noon

© Stephen Vincent Benet

But do not call it loud. There is plenty of time.
There is plenty of time, while the bombs on London fall
And turn the world to wind and water and fire.
There is time to sleep while the fire-bombs fall on London,
They are stubborn people in London.

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Here We Are!

© Edgar Albert Guest

Here we are, Britain! the finest and best of us

  Taking our coats off and rolling our sleeves,

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Ode On Venice

© George Gordon Byron

Oh Venice! Venice! when thy marble walls
  Are level with the waters, there shall be
A cry of nations o'er thy sunken halls,
  A loud lament along the sweeping sea!
If I, a northern wanderer, weep for thee,

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Laurance - [Part 1]

© Jean Ingelow

He knew she did not love him; but so long
As rivals were unknown to him, he dwelt
At ease, and did not find his love a pain.