Children poems

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It Was Winter

© Czeslaw Milosz

This is not a place where you sit under a café awning
On a marble piazza, watching the crowd,
Or play the flute at a window over a narrow street
While children’s sandals clatter in the vaulted entryway.

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The Minstrel

© Arthur Henry Adams

An Incident in One Act.
Heralds, Pages, Men-at-Arms, Sentries. TIME: THE PAST.

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The Farmer's Boy - Summer

© Robert Bloomfield

Here, midst the boldest triumphs of her worth,
NATURE herself invites the REAPERS forth;
Dares the keen sickle from its twelvemonth's rest,
And gives that ardour which in every breast
From infancy to age alike appears,
When the first sheaf its plumy top uprears.

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Song Of America

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

And now, when poets are singing
Their songs of olden days,
And now, when the land is ringing
With sweet Centennial lays,

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Among School Children

© William Butler Yeats

I WALK through the long schoolroom questioning;

A kind old nun in a white hood replies;

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The Cemetary Of Eylau

© Victor Marie Hugo

This to my elder brothers, schoolboys gay,

Was told by Uncle Louis on a day;

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Within and Without: Part III: A Dramatic Poem

© George MacDonald

SCENE I.-Night. London. A large meanly furnished room; a single
candle on the table; a child asleep in a little crib. JULIAN
sits by the table, reading in a low voice out of a book. He looks
older, and his hair is lined with grey; his eyes look clearer.

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Old Santeclaus

© Clement Clarke Moore

Old SANTECLAUS with much delight
His reindeer drives this frosty night,
O’er chimney-tops, and tracks of snow,
To bring his yearly gifts to you.

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The Old-Time Family

© Edgar Albert Guest

It makes me smile to hear 'em tell each other nowadays
The burdens they are bearing, with a child or two to raise.
Of course the cost of living has gone soaring to the sky
And our kids are wearing garments that my parents couldn't buy.
Now my father wasn't wealthy, but I never heard him squeal
Because eight of us were sitting at the table every meal.

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A Woman’s Apology

© Alfred Austin

In the green darkness of a summer wood,
Wherethro' ran winding ways, a lady stood,
Carved from the air in curving womanhood.

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Studies For Two Heads

© James Russell Lowell


Some sort of heart I know is hers,--

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© Charles Kingsley

Over the sea, past Crete, on the Syrian shore to the southward,

Dwells in the well-tilled lowland a dark-haired AEthiop people,

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As Children bid the Guest

© Emily Dickinson

As Children bid the Guest "Good Night"
And then reluctant turn —
My flowers raise their pretty lips —
Then put their nightgowns on.

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© Giacomo Leopardi

At times thy image to my mind returns,

  Aspasia. In the crowded streets it gleams

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© Edith Wharton

NOT that on me the Cyprian fury fell,

Last martyr of my love-ensanguined race;

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Poets At Seven Years

© Arthur Rimbaud

And the mother, closing the work-book
Went off, proud, satisfied, not seeing,
In the blue eyes, under the lumpy brow,
The soul of her child given over to loathing.

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Amours De Voyage, Canto I

© Arthur Hugh Clough

I am to tell you, you say, what I think of our last new acquaintance.
Well, then, I think that George has a very fair right to be jealous.
I do not like him much, though I do not dislike being with him.
He is what people call, I suppose, a superior man, and
Certainly seems so to me; but I think he is terribly selfish.

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The Deacon's Masterpiece Or, The Wonderful

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

 End of the wonderful one-hoss shay.
 Logic is logic. That's all I say.

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Children's Games

© William Carlos Williams

This is a schoolyard
with children

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Practicing Time

© Edgar Albert Guest

Always whenever I want to play

I've got to practice an hour a day,