Children poems

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The Ring And The Book - Chapter IV - Tertium Quid

© Robert Browning

Is so far clear? You know Violante now,
Compute her capability of crime
By this authentic instance? Black hard cold
Crime like a stone you kick up with your foot
I’ the middle of a field?

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A Story Of Doom: Book V.

© Jean Ingelow

And Japhet, having found his father, said,
"Sir, let me also journey when ye go."
Who answered, "Hath thy mother done her part?"

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Abner And The Widow Jones

© Robert Bloomfield

Well! I'm determin'd; that's enough:-
 Gee, Bayard! move your poor old bones,
I'll take to-morrow, smooth or rough,
 To go and court the Widow Jones.

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The Massacre at Scio

© William Cullen Bryant

Weep not for Scio's children slain;
  Their blood, by Turkish falchions shed,
Sends not its cry to Heaven in vain
  For vengeance on the murderer's head.

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Chalkey Hall

© John Greenleaf Whittier

Oh, once again revive, while on my ear
The cry of Gain
And low hoarse hum of Traffic die away,
Ye blessed memories of my early day
Like sere grass wet with rain!

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Mogg Megone - Part III.

© John Greenleaf Whittier

Ah! weary Priest! - with pale hands pressed

On thy throbbing brow of pain,

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Wild Bees

© John Clare

These children of the sun which summer brings

As pastoral minstrels in her merry train

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The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Canto IV.

© Sir Walter Scott


Sweet Teviot! on thy silver tide

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The Dwellings Of Our Dead.

© Arthur Henry Adams

THEY lie unwatched, in waste and vacant places,
In sombre bush or wind-swept tussock spaces,
Where seldom human tread
And never human trace is —

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Children Of The War

© Katharine Lee Bates

SHRUNKEN little bodies, pallid baby faces,

Eyes of staring terror, innocence defiled,

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© Dorothy Parker

Now it's over, and now it's done;

 Why does everything look the same?

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Hudibras - The Lady's Answer to The Knight

© Samuel Butler

We are your guardians, that increase
Or waste your fortunes how we please;
And, as you humour us, can deal
In all your matters, ill or well.

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Halley's Comet

© Stanley Kunitz

Miss Murphy in first grade

wrote its name in chalk

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conteining an Historicall Discourse from the Infancie of the world, untill this present time

© Roger Cotton

Now may we all of England say of truth:
As we haue heard, so haue we seene performd
In these our dayes most worthy to be learnd:
How that the Lord doth stil his Church defend
From cruell foes, whom his to hurt pretend.

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Evangeline: Part The First. II.

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

NOW had the season returned, when the nights grow colder and longer,

And the retreating sun the sign of the Scorpion enters.

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Joy in Heaven

© Henry Clay Work

Sister spirit, listen!
Methinks I hear a song,
Resounding strangely, sadly,
These peaceful plains along.

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Your Children

© Khalil Gibran

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

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The Arraying

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

The blue-eyed maidens of the sea

With trembling haste approach the lee,

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I Explain A Few Things

© Pablo Neruda

You are going to ask: and where are the lilacs?
and the poppy-petalled metaphysics?
and the rain repeatedly spattering
its words and drilling them full
of apertures and birds?
I'll tell you all the news.

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Adam: A Sacred Drama. Act 5.

© William Cowper

Adam.  Restrain, restrain thy step
Whoe'er thou art, nor with thy songs inveigle
Him, who has only cause for ceaseless tears.