Children poems

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At Christmas

© Edgar Albert Guest

A man is at his finest towards the finish of the year;

He is almost what he should be when the Christmas season's here;

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Hearing Your Words, And Not A Word Among Them

© Edna St. Vincent Millay

Hearing your words, and not a word among them

Tuned to my liking, on a salty day

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The Emigrant’s Address To America

© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

All hail to thee, noble and generous Land!
  With thy prairies boundless and wide,
Thy mountains that tower like sentinels grand,
  Thy lakes and thy rivers of pride!

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Of The Father's Love Begotten

© Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

Of the Father’s love begotten, ere the worlds began to be,
He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He,
Of the things that are, that have been,
And that future years shall see, evermore and evermore!

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The White Ship Henry I. Of England.—25th November 1120

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

By none but me can the tale be told,

The butcher of Rouen, poor Berold.

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The Human Tragedy ACT II

© Alfred Austin


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A Rhymed Lesson (Urania)

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

Are angel faces, silent and serene,
Bent on the conflicts of this little scene,
Whose dream-like efforts, whose unreal strife,
Are but the preludes to a larger life?

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Sonnet IX.

© Charlotte Turner Smith

BLEST is yon shepherd, on the turf reclined,
Who on the varied clouds which float above
Lies idly gazing--while his vacant mind
Pours out some tale antique of rural love!

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The Lordship Of Corfu

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

They vowed a vow methinks ne'er vowed before,
The while their galley, strangely laden, bore
Down the south wind, which freshly blew from shore.

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The Song Of The Children

© Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The World is ours till sunset,
  Holly and fire and snow;
And the name of our dead brother
  Who loved us long ago.

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The Restoration Of The Works Of Art In Italy

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

  Vain dream! degraded Rome! thy noon is o'er,
Once lost, thy spirit shall revive no more.
It sleeps with those, the sons of other days,
Who fix'd on thee the world's adoring gaze;
Those, blest to live, while yet thy star was high,
More blest, ere darkness quench'd its beam, to die!

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The North Sea -- First Cycle

© Heinrich Heine

Once through heaven went shining,
Wedded and one,
Luna the Goddess, and Sol the God,
And the stars in multitudes thronged around them,
Their little, innocent children.

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A Hungry Day

© Isabella Valancy Crawford

I MIND him well, he was a quare ould chap,
 Come like meself from swate ould Erin's sod;
He hired me wanst to help his harvest in-
The crops was fine that summer, praised be God!

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Old Japan

© Alfred Noyes

In old Japan, by creek and bay,

The blue plum-blossoms blow,

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A Real Man

© Edgar Albert Guest

Men are of two kinds, and he

Was of the kind I'd like to be.

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© Edgar Albert Guest

Where is the road to Arcady,
Where is the path that leads to peace,
Where shall I find the bliss to be,
Where shall the weary wanderings cease?
These are the questions that come to me,
Where is the road to Arcady?

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Floretty's Musical Contribution

© James Whitcomb Riley

  And then some one
Of the loud-wrangling boys said--"_Course_ they's none
No more, _these_ days!--They's Fairies _ust_ to be,
But they're all dead, a hunderd years!" said he.

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The Hudson

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

'T WAS a vision of childhood that came with its dawn,
Ere the curtain that covered life's day-star was drawn;
The nurse told the tale when the shadows grew long,
And the mother's soft lullaby breathed it in song.

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Le Marais Du Cygne

© John Greenleaf Whittier

A BLUSH as of roses
Where rose never grew!
Great drops on the bunch-grass,
But not of the dew!

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The Prayse Of The Needle

© John Taylor

To all dispersed sorts of arts and trades

I write the needles prayse (that never fades).