Children poems

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The Lark’s Nest

© Charlotte Turner Smith

"TRUST only to thyself;" the maxim's sound;

For, tho' life's choicest blessing be a friend,

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Hero And Leander. The Fifth Sestiad

© George Chapman

Now was bright Hero weary of the day,

  Thought an Olympiad in Leander's stay.

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As Ireland Wore the Green

© Henry Lawson

BY RIGHT of birth in southern land I send my warning forth.
I see my country ruined by the wrongs that damned the North.
And shall I stand with fireless eyes and still and silent mouth
While Mammon builds his Londons on the fair fields of the South?

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Under The Willows

© James Russell Lowell

Frank-hearted hostess of the field and wood,

Gypsy, whose roof is every spreading tree,

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Villa Pamphili

© Arthur Symons

The daisies whiten the warm grass :
I see the sun, a shadow, pass:
And I forget that winter was.

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The Exile's Hymn

© Jose Maria de Heredia y Campuzano

Fair land of Cuba! on thy shores are seen

Life's far extremes of noble and of mean;

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Autumn Wealth

© Kristijonas Donelaitis

Of course, there is no lack of faithful Christians ,too.
Most of Lithuanians are men of good character;
They love their families, obey the will of God.
Each day live saintly lives, steer clear of all misdeeds,
And rule their modest homes with kind parental care.

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© John Greenleaf Whittier

ACROSS the sea I heard the groans

Of nations in the intervals

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The Themes

© Millosh Gjergj Nikolla

On the pallid faces of fallen women
Loitering in doorways to sell themselves,
On their faces a tragic poem is carved
In tears and grief that rise to the heavens,

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Out Of It All

© Edgar Albert Guest

Out of it all shall come splendor and gladness;
  Out of the madness and out of the sadness,
  Clearer and finer the world shall arise.
  Why then keep sorrow and doubt in your eyes?

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Grace Darling or "The Wreck of the Forfarshire"

© William Topaz McGonagall

As the night was beginning to close in one rough September day
In the year of 1838, a steamer passed through the Fairway
Between the Farne Islands and the coast, on her passage northwards;
But the wind was against her, and the steamer laboured hard.

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Anhelli - Chapter 7

© Juliusz Slowacki

And the Shaman said : "Lo, now we shall show no more miracles,
nor the power of God that is in us, but we shall weep,
for we have come unto people who see not the sun.

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Elegy XXI. Taking a View of the Country From His Retirement

© William Shenstone

Thus Damon sung-What though unknown to praise,
Umbrageous coverts hide my Muse and me,
Or mid the rural shepherds flow my days?
Amid the rural shepherds, I am free.

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The Firing-Line

© Henry Lawson

In the dreadful din of a ghastly fight they are shooting, murdering, men;
In the smothering silence of ghastly peace we murder with tongue and pen.
Where is heard the tap of the typewriter—where the track of reform they mine—
Where they stand to the frame or the linotype—we are all in the firingline.

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© George Crabbe

Thus in extremes of cold and heat,
Where wandering man may trace his kind;
Wherever grief and want retreat,
In Woman they compassion find;
She makes the female breast her seat,
And dictates mercy to the mind.

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The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto First

© William Wordsworth

FROM Bolton's old monastic tower
The bells ring loud with gladsome power;
The sun shines bright; the fields are gay
With people in their best array

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The Watchers

© Katharine Tynan

THE cottages all lie asleep;
The sheep and lambs are folded in
Winged sentinels the vale will keep
Until the hours of life begin.

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A Chippewa Legend

© James Russell Lowell

The old Chief, feeling now wellnigh his end,

Called his two eldest children to his side,

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My Part

© Edgar Albert Guest

I may never be a hero, I am past the limit now,
There are pencil marks of silver Time has left upon my brow;
I shall win no service medals, I shall hear no cannons' roar,
I shall never fight a battle higher up than eagles soar,
But I hope my children's children may recall my name with pride
As a man who never whimpered when his soul was being tried.

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Song Of Going

© Katharine Tynan

I would not like to live to be very old,
  To be stripped cold and bare
Of all my leafage that was green and gold
  In the delicious air.