Children poems

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I Know an Aged Man Constrained to Dwell

© William Wordsworth

I know an aged Man constrained to dwell
In a large house of public charity,
Where he abides, as in a Prisoner's cell,
With numbers near, alas! no company.

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Sohrab and Rustum: An Episode

© Matthew Arnold

  "Ferood, and ye, Persians and Tartars, hear!
 Let there be truce between the hosts to-day.
 But choose a champion from the Persian lords
 To fight our champion Sohrab, man to man."

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Jean Chouan

© Victor Marie Hugo

The Whites fled, and the Blues fired down the glade.
A hill the plain commanded and surveyed,
And round this hill, of trees and verdure bare,
Wild forests closed th' horizon everywhere.

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© Jose Asuncion Silva

The lamp that stands beside the crib
Is not yet lighted to warm the gloom
Of the blueish, opaque light falling
Through the curtains of late afternoon.

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Any Woman

© Katharine Tynan

I am the pillars of the house;
 The keystone of the arch am I.
Take me away, and roof and wall
 Would fall to ruin me utterly.

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From "January"

© John Clare

Supper removed, the mother sits,

And tells her tales by starts and fits.

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© Czeslaw Milosz

Burning, he walks in the stream of flickering letters, clarinets,
machines throbbing quicker than the heart, lopped-off heads, silk
canvases, and he stops under the sky

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In The Meadow - What In The Meadow?

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

In the meadow - what in the meadow?

Bluebells, buttercups, meadowsweet,

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A Breach Of Friendship

© Edgar Albert Guest

‘TIS friendship's test to guard the name
Of him you love from all attack,
As you are to his face, the same
To be when you're behind his back.

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The Kalevala - Rune XI

© Elias Lönnrot


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On The Importance Of Being Earnest

© Franklin Pierce Adams

"Gentle Jane was as good as gold,"
  To borrow a line from Mr. Gilbert;
She hated War with a hate untold,
  She was a pacifistic filbert.
If you said "Perhaps"-she'd leave the hall.
You couldn't argue with her at all.

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Satire On A Conceited Playwright

© Charles Sackville

  Thou damn'd antipodes to common-sense,

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Ode To The Austrian Socialists

© Stephen Vincent Benet

Let us remember Karl Marx Hof, Goethe Hof,
The one called Matteoti and all the rest.
They were little cities built by people for people.
They were shelled by six-inch guns.
  It is strange to go

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The Vision Of Piers Plowman - Part 16

© William Langland

"Now faire falle yow,' quod I tho, "for youre faire shewyng!

For Haukyns love the Actif Man evere I shal yow lovye.

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Fragmentary Scenes From The Road To Avernus

© Adam Lindsay Gordon

Scene I

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A Discontented Sugar Broker

© William Schwenck Gilbert

A gentleman of City fame

Now claims your kind attention;

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Amends To Nature

© Arthur Symons

I have loved colours, and not flowers;
Their motion, not the swallows wings;
And wasted more than half my hours
Without the comradeship of things.

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Metamorphoses: Book The Thirteenth

© Ovid

  The End of the Thirteenth Book.

 Translated into English verse under the direction of
 Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison,
 William Congreve and other eminent hands

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To The Sun God

© Friedrich Hölderlin

Where are you?  Drunk, my mind becomes
  Twilight after all your ecstasy.  For I just saw
  How the enrapturing young god,
  Tired from his journey,

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The Road Back

© Anne Sexton

The car is heavy with children

tugged back from summer,