Children poems

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Bridal Song

© William Shakespeare

ROSES, their sharp spines being gone,
Not royal in their smells alone,
   But in their hue;
Maiden pinks, of odour faint,
Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint,
   And sweet thyme true;

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The Great Society

© Robert Bly

Dentists continue to water their lawns even in the rain:
Hands developed with terrible labor by apes 
Hang from the sleeves of evangelists;
There are murdered kings in the light-bulbs outside movie theaters: 
The coffins of the poor are hibernating in piles of new tires.

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The Pleasures of Hope: Part 1

© Thomas Campbell

At summer eve, when Heaven's ethereal bow

Spans with bright arch the glittering bills below,

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© Robert Graves

Allie, call the birds in,

  The birds from the sky.

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Q & A

© Kenneth Fearing

Where analgesia may be found to ease the infinite, minute scars of the day;
What final interlude will result, picked bit by bit from the morning's hurry, the lunch-hour boredom, the fevers of the night;
Why this one is cherished by the gods, and that one not;
How to win, and win again, and again, staking wit alone against a sea of time;
Which man to trust and, once found, how far—

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Paradise Lost: Book XI (1674)

© Patrick Kavanagh

He added not, for Adam at the newes
Heart-strook with chilling gripe of sorrow stood,
That all his senses bound; Eve, who unseen
Yet all had heard, with audible lament
Discover'd soon the place of her retire.

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Toys in a Field

© Yusef Komunyakaa

Using the gun mounts 

for monkey bars,

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The Gatekeeper’s Children

© Philip Levine

This is the house of the very rich.

You can tell because it’s taken all

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The Parrot

© William Cowper

In painted plumes superbly dress'd,
A native of the gorgeous east,
By many a billow toss'd;
Poll gains at length the British shore,
Part of the captain's precious store,
A present to his toast.

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Drowned at Sea

© Henry Kendall

Gloomy cliffs, so worn and wasted with the washing of the waves,

Are ye not like giant tombstones round those lonely ocean graves?

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Hymns to the Night : 5

© Novalis

In ancient times, over the widespread families of men an iron Fate ruled with dumb force. A gloomy oppression swathed their heavy souls - the earth was boundless - the abode of the gods and their home. From eternal ages stood its mysterious structure. Beyond the red hills of the morning, in the sacred bosom of the sea, dwelt the sun, the all-enkindling, living Light. An aged giant upbore the blissful world. Fast beneath mountains lay the first-born sons of mother Earth. Helpless in their destroying fury against the new, glorious race of gods, and their kindred, glad-hearted men. The ocean's dark green abyss was the lap of a goddess. In crystal grottos revelled a luxuriant folk. Rivers, trees, flowers, and beasts had human wits. Sweeter tasted the wine - poured out by Youth-abundance - a god in the grape-clusters - a loving, motherly goddess upgrew in the full golden sheaves - love's sacred inebriation was a sweet worship of the fairest of the god-ladies - Life rustled through the centuries like one spring-time, an ever-variegated festival of heaven-children and earth-dwellers. All races childlike adored the ethereal, thousand-fold flame as the one sublimest thing in the world. There was but one notion, a horrible dream-shape -

That fearsome to the merry tables strode,

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The Vision Of Piers Plowman - Part 09

© William Langland

"Sire Dowel dwelleth,' quod Wit, "noght a day hennes

In a castel that Kynde made of foure kynnes thynges.

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City Without a Name

© Czeslaw Milosz

Who will honor the city without a name
If so many are dead and others pan gold
Or sell arms in faraway countries?

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Dressing My Daughters

© Mark Jarman

One girl a full head taller

Than the other—into their Sunday dresses. 

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The Slave Auction

© Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

The sale began—young girls were there, 
 Defenseless in their wretchedness,
Whose stifled sobs of deep despair 
 Revealed their anguish and distress.

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Pro Femina

© John Betjeman

But we need dependency, cosseting, and well-treatment. 
So do men sometimes. Why don’t they admit it? 
We will be cows for a while, because babies howl for us, 
Be kittens or bitches, who want to eat grass now and then 
For the sake of our health. But the role of pastoral heroine 
Is not permanent, Jack. We want to get back to the meeting.

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My Father in the Night Commanding No

© Louis Simpson

My father in the night commanding No
Has work to do. Smoke issues from his lips; 
 He reads in silence.
The frogs are croaking and the street lamps glow.

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With Emma at the Ladies-Only Swimming Pond on Hampstead Heath

© Michael Rosen

In payment for those mornings at the mirror while, 
 at her
 expense, I’d started my late learning in Applied

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The Star's Monument

© Jean Ingelow


(_He thinks._)

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Jhansi Ki Rani (With English Translation)

© Subhadra Kumari Chauhan

With valor in a grand festival, she got married in Jhansi,
After her marriage, Laxmibai came to Jhansi as a queen with shower of joy,
A grand celebration took place in the royal palace of Jhansi. That was a good luck for Bandelos that she came to Jhansi,
That was as Chitra met with Arjun or Shiv had got his beloved Bhavani (Durga).
From the mouths of the Bandelas and the Harbolas (Religious singers of Bandelkhand), we heard the tale of the courage of the Queen of Jhansi relating how gallantly she fought like a man against the British intruders: such was the Queen of Jhansi.