Children poems

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Glory To God; To Men Good Will!

© Joseph Furphy

Opposed to Jewish Temple-rites,
Strange to the lore of Greece,
That message comes from starry heights,
A key to lasting Peace.
What-e'er our creed, we own its thrill —
"Glory to God; to men good will!"

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Benjamin Pantier

© Edgar Lee Masters

Together in this grave lie Benjamin Pantier, attorney at law,

And Nig, his dog, constant companion, solace and friend.

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The Letter

© Dana Gioia

And in the end, all that is really left

Is a feeling—strong and unavoidable—

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from Jubilate Agno

© Christopher Smart

let elizur rejoice with the partridge

Let Elizur rejoice with the Partridge, who is a prisoner of state and is proud of his keepers.

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Gloria Mundi

© Walter de la Mare

Upon a bank, easeless with knobs of gold,
 Beneath a canopy of noonday smoke,
I saw a measureless Beast, morose and bold,
 With eyes like one from filthy dreams awoke,
Who stares upon the daylight in despair
For very terror of the nothing there.

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© Elizabeth Daryush


However the image enters

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[as freedom is a breakfastfood]

© Edward Estlin Cummings

as freedom is a breakfastfood

or truth can live with right and wrong

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The Poets

© Archibald Lampman

Half brutish, half divine, but all of earth,
Half-way 'twixt hell and heaven, near to man,
The whole world's tangle gathered in one span,
Full of this human torture and this mirth:
Life with its hope and error, toil and bliss,
Earth-born, earth-reared, ye know it as it is.

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Calmly We Walk through This April’s Day

© Delmore Schwartz

Calmly we walk through this April’s day, 

Metropolitan poetry here and there, 

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A Poem for the Cruel Majority

© Jerome Rothenberg

Nothing can make the dark turn into light
for the cruel majority.
Nothing can make them feel hunger or terror.

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Vandergast and the Girl

© Louis Simpson

Vandergast to his neighbors—
the grinding of a garage door
and hiss of gravel in the driveway.

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The Wound-Dresser

© Walt Whitman

But in silence, in dreams’ projections,
While the world of gain and appearance and mirth goes on,
So soon what is over forgotten, and waves wash the imprints off the sand,
With hinged knees returning I enter the doors, (while for you up there,
Whoever you are, follow without noise and be of strong heart.)

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Each Day

© Pierre Reverdy

Each day as dawn approaches,

the King sits in majesty

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The Path Of Faery

© Madison Julius Cawein


When dusk falls cool as a rained-on rose,

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The Small Vases from Hebron

© Naomi Shihab Nye

Tip their mouths open to the sky. 
Turquoise, amber,
the deep green with fluted handle, 
pitcher the size of two thumbs, 
tiny lip and graceful waist.

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Days of Our Years

© Daniel Nester

It’s brief and bright, dear children; bright and brief. 

Delight’s the lightning; the long thunder’s grief.

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from Epipsychidion

© Percy Bysshe Shelley


A ship is floating in the harbour now,

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Mother England

© Edith Matilda Thomas


THERE was a rover from a western shore,

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The Coast-Road

© Robinson Jeffers

A horseman high-alone as an eagle on the spur of the mountain over Mirmas Canyon draws rein, looks down

At the bridge-builders, men, trucks, the power-shovels, the teeming end of the new coast-road at the mountain’s base. 

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Different Ways to Pray

© Naomi Shihab Nye

And occasionally there would be one
who did none of this,
the old man Fowzi, for example, Fowzi the fool, 
who beat everyone at dominoes,
insisted he spoke with God as he spoke with goats, 
and was famous for his laugh.