Children poems

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Harvest Time

© John Jay Chapman

BEHOLD, the harvest is at hand;

And thick on the encircling hills

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Ave Atque Vale

© Algernon Charles Swinburne

In Memory of Charles Baudelaire
Nous devrions pourtant lui porter quelques fleurs;
Les morts, les pauvres morts, ont de grandes douleurs,
Et quand Octobre souffle, émondeur des vieux arbres,

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© Bliss William Carman

To T. B. M.

IN the crowd that thronged the pierhead, come to see their friends take ship

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On the Welsh Language

© Katherine Philips

If honor to an ancient name be due,

Or riches challenge it for one that’s new,

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Domestic Violence

© Eavan Boland

It was winter, lunar, wet. At dusk
Pewter seedlings became moonlight orphans.
Pleased to meet you meat to please you
said the butcher's sign in the window in the village.

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Descend To Thy Jerusalem, O Lord!

© Jeremy Taylor

"Descend to thy Jerusalem, O Lord!"
Her faithful children cry with one accord;
Come, ride in triumph on! behold we lay
Our guilty lusts and proud wills in thy way!

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Special Treatments Ward

© Dana Gioia

I put this poem aside twelve years ago
because I could not bear remembering
the faces it evoked, and every line
seemed—still seems—so inadequate and grim.

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To David, About His Education

© Howard Nemerov

The world is full of mostly invisible things,

And there is no way but putting the mind’s eye,

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Native Trees

© William Stanley Merwin

Neither my father nor my mother knew 

the names of the trees 

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The Children

© Mark Jarman

The children are hiding among the raspberry canes. 

They look big to one another, the garden small. 

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The Supper

© Robert Laurence Binyon

Blind Roger
Set the glass in my hand. I'm blind and old,
But still I shun to be left in the cold.

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The Broken Crutch: A Tale

© Robert Bloomfield

A burst of laughter rang throughout the hall,
And Peggy's tongue, though overborne by all,
Pour'd its warm blessings, for, without control
The sweet unbridled transport of her soul
Was obviously seen, till Herbert's kiss
Stole, as it were, the eloquence of bliss.

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Bewildering Emotions

© James Whitcomb Riley

The merriment that followed was subdued--

As though the story-teller's attitude

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Lead Them To Thee

© Robert Wadsworth Lowry

Lead them, my God, to Thee,
Lead them to Thee,
These children dear of mine,
Thou gavest me.
O, by Thy love divine,

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The Golden Mile-Stone. (Birds Of Passage. Flight The First)

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Leafless are the trees; their purple branches
Spread themselves abroad, like reefs of coral,
  Rising silent
In the Red Sea of the winter sunset.

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The Kaiser's Feast

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Why fell there silence on the chord
 Beneath the harper's hand?
And suddenly, from that rich board,
 Why rose the wassail-band?

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Inside My Head

© Robert Creeley

Inside my head a common room, 
a common place, a common tune,
a common wealth, a common doom

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© Robert Crawford

I in the autumn of my days
Stand by a place of tears,
And hear the unborn children weep
Within the unborn years;

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Drought And Doctrine.

© James Brunton Stephens

COME, take the tenner, doctor . . . yes, I know the bill says "five,"

But it ain't as if you'd merely kep' our little 'un alive;