Children poems

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Don Juan

© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

My own dream is lofty, simple thing:
To seize the oar, put feet into the stirrups,
And to deceive the time, that slow tries to stir us,
By kissing lips, forever new and pink;

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Sordello: Book the Third

© Robert Browning

  Whereat he rose.
The level wind carried above the firs
Clouds, the irrevocable travellers,

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two south coast poems (a) this morning i came within sound of the sea

© Rg Gregory

for a man whose eyes till now were a bed of rock
whose hands were drier than deserts
the sea's voice drove fear up through the valley
the tributaries meandering inside me longing for outlet
shrivelled even as their own courses became straight

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christmas in a box

© Rg Gregory

the policeman on the streets
found christmas in a box
tipped it down a manhole
it wasn't wearing socks

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Scum O' The Earth

© Robert Haven Schauffler

Newcomers all from the eastern seas,
Help us incarnate dreams like these.
Forget, and forgive, that we did you wrong.
Help us to father a nation, strong
In the comradeship of an equal birth,
In the wealth of the richest bloods of earth.

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Lake Leman

© Harold Monro

It is the sacred hour: above the far

 Low emerald hills that northward fold,

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stylised tulips

© Rg Gregory

stylised tulips – this is what the card says
and they have that nineteen-twenties’ feel
of those bright young things a decade before us
who had a way of walking with their legs

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owl power

© Rg Gregory

the bird was cherished by minerva
hebrews loathed it as unclean
buddhists treasure its seclusion
elsewhere night-hag evil omen

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as the snow fell

© Rg Gregory

the children played games
getting from here
to where the truth was
without touching a flake

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Written For My Son, To Some Of The Fellows Of The College,

© Mary Barber

We of late had a terrible Rout in our House;
If I happen'd to speak, I was sure of a Souse.
My Mamma had the Tooth--ach, and I felt the Smart--
O Steel, I for ever will yalue thy Art:

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Autumn Evenings

© Edgar Albert Guest

Apples on the table an' the grate-fire blazin' high,
Oh, I'm sure the whole world hasn't any happier man than I;
The Mother sittin' mendin' little stockin's, toe an' knee,
An' tellin' all that's happened through the busy day to me:
Oh, I don't know how to say it, but these cosy autumn nights
Seem to glow with true contentment an' a thousand real delights.

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© Rg Gregory

wandering around milan my father
i know that (bred in the bone) i'm you
i walk and think - my legs roll onwards
i take in the atmosphere but not the view

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the shakes

© Rg Gregory

now pay attention
(said the teacher)
and look up here

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Like undistinguishable horses

© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

Like undistinguishable horses,
Gleam by my ever-painful days,
As if fade all the living roses,
And die all living nightingales.

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hawthorns and the like

© Rg Gregory

as the landscape falls away
the hawthorn in its gnarly fashion
is content to stand alone
berries (the very tint of passion)
that birds are wont to feed upon
bloodstain the shortened day

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Out Of Doors

© Edgar Albert Guest

The kids are out-of-doors once more;

  The heavy leggins that they wore,

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A Make-Believe

© George MacDonald

No more! no more! I must stop this play,
Be a boy again, and kneel down and pray
To the God of sparrows and rabbits and men,
Who never lets any one out of his ken-
It must be so, though it be bewild'ring-
To save his dear beasts from his cruel children!

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The Exile's Choice

© Victor Marie Hugo

Since justice slumbers in the abysm,
Since the crime's crowned with despotism,
  Since all most upright souls are smitten,
Since proudest souls are bowed for shame,
Since on the walls in lines of flame
  My country's dark dishonour's written;

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from imperfect Eden

© Rg Gregory

and off to scott's (the dockers' restaurant)
burly men packed in round solid tables
but what the helle (drowned in hellespont)

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A Christmas Carol

© Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

GOD rest ye, merry gentlemen; let nothing you dismay,
For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas-day.
The dawn rose red o'er Bethlehem, the stars shone through the gray,
When Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas-day.