Children poems

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The Human Tragedy ACT I

© Alfred Austin


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Heather Ale: A Galloway Legend

© Robert Louis Stevenson

FROM the bonny bells of heather  

 They brewed a drink long-syne,  

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A Dilettante

© Augusta Davies Webster

Good friend, be patient: goes the world awry?
well, can you groove it straight with all your pains?
and, sigh or scold, and, argue or intreat,
what have you done but waste your part of life
on impotent fool's battles with the winds,
that will blow as they list in spite of you?

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© Zbigniew Herbert

A home above the year's seasons
home of children animals and apples
a square of empty space
under an absent star

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The Light That Is Felt

© John Greenleaf Whittier

A tender child of summers three,
Seeking her little bed at night,
Paused on the dark stair timidly.
"Oh, mother! Take my hand," said she,
"And then the dark will all be light."

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For Your Boy And Mine

© Edgar Albert Guest

Your dream and my dream is not that we shall rest,
But that our children after us shall know life at its best;
For all we care about ourselves—a crust of bread or two,
A place to sleep and clothes to wear is all that we'd pursue.
We'd tramp the world on sunny days, both light of heart and mind,
And give no thought to days to come or days we leave behind.

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Artie’s "Amen"

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

THEY were Methodists twain, of the ancient school,
Who always followed the wholesome rule
That whenever the preacher in meeting said
Aught that was good for the heart or head
His hearers should pour their feelings out
In a loud "Amen" or a godly shout.

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July The Fourth

© Edgar Albert Guest

As when a little babe is born the parents cannot guess
The story of the future years, their grief or happiness,
So came America to earth, the child of higher things,
A nation that should light the way for all men's visionings;
A land with but a dream to serve, such was our country then,
A prophet to prepare the way of liberty of men!

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Maha-Bharata, The Epic Of Ancient India - Book VIII -- Bhishma-Badha - (Fall of Bhishma)

© Romesh Chunder Dutt

All negotiations for a peaceful partition of the Kuru kingdom having
failed, both parties now prepared for a battle, perhaps the most
sanguinary that was fought on the plains of India in the ancient
times. It was a battle of nations, for all warlike races in Northern
India took a share in it.

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Booth's Drum [1]

© Henry Lawson

They have long used army rank-terms, and oh, say what it shall be,
When a few come back the real thing, and when one comes back V.C.!
They will bang the drum at Crow’s Nest, they will bang it on “the Shore,”
They will bang the drum in Kent-street as they never banged before.
And At Last they’ll frighten Satan from the Mansion and the Slum—
He’ll have never heard till that time such a Banging of the Drum.

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What Time the Morning Stars Arise

© Jean Blewett

ABOVE him spreads the purple sky,
  Beneath him spreads the ether sea,
And everywhere about him lie
  Dim ports of space, and mystery.

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The Lamentations Of Jeremy, For The Most Part According To Tremellus

© John Donne

  I. HOW sits this city, late most populous,
  Thus solitary, and like a widow thus ?
  Amplest of nations, queen of provinces
  She was, who now thus tributary is ?

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The Little Old Man

© Edgar Albert Guest

The little old man with the curve in his back
And the eyes that are dim and the skin that is slack,
So slack that it wrinkles and rolls on his cheeks,
With a thin little voice that goes "crack!" when he speaks,
Never goes to the store but that right at his feet
Are all of the youngsters who live on the street.

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Threnodia Augustalis: Overture - Pastorale

© Oliver Goldsmith

Ye shady walks, ye waving greens,
Ye nodding towers, ye fairy scenes --
Let all your echoes now deplore 
That she who form'd your beauties is no more.

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The Brewer's Dog

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

The brewer's dog is abroad, boys,

Be careful where you stray,

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Home, Wounded

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

Wheel me into the sunshine,
Wheel me into the shadow,
There must be leaves on the woodbine,
Is the king-cup crowned in the meadow?

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The Study In Aesthetics

© Ezra Pound

The very small children in patched clothing,
Being smitten with an unusual wisdom,
Stopped in their play as she passed them
And cried up from their cobbles:

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The Dreamers

© William Wilfred Campbell

THEY lingered on the middle heights
  Betwixt the brown earth and the heaven;
They whispered, 'We are not the night's,
  But pallid children of the even.'

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Tale XVI

© George Crabbe

cause -
This creature frights her, overpowers, and awes."
Six weeks had pass'd--"In truth, my love, this