Poems begining by C
/ page 97 of 99 /Could I but ride indefinite
© Emily Dickinson
Could I but ride indefinite
As doth the Meadow Bee
And visit only where I liked
And No one visit me
Could I -- then -- shut the door
© Emily Dickinson
Could I -- then -- shut the door --
Lest my beseeching face -- at last --
Rejected -- be -- of Her?
Could -- I do more -- for Thee
© Emily Dickinson
Could -- I do more -- for Thee --
Wert Thou a Bumble Bee --
Since for the Queen, have I --
Nought but Bouquet?
Cosmopolities without a plea
© Emily Dickinson
Cosmopolities without a plea
Alight in every Land
The compliments of Paradise
From those within my Hand
Contained in this short Life
© Emily Dickinson
Contained in this short Life
Are magical extents
The soul returning soft at night
To steal securer thence
Consulting summer's clock,
© Emily Dickinson
Consulting summer's clock,
But half the hours remain.
I ascertain it with a shock --
I shall not look again.
Conscious am I in my Chamber,
© Emily Dickinson
Conscious am I in my Chamber,
Of a shapeless friend --
He doth not attest by Posture --
Nor Confirm -- by Word --
Conjecturing a Climate
© Emily Dickinson
Conjecturing a Climate
Of unsuspended Suns --
Adds poignancy to Winter --
The Shivering Fancy turns
Confirming All who analyze
© Emily Dickinson
Confirming All who analyze
In the Opinion fair
That Eloquence is when the Heart
Has not a Voice to spare --
Come slowly -- Eden!
© Emily Dickinson
Come slowly -- Eden!
Lips unused to Thee --
Bashful -- sip thy Jessamines --
As the fainting Bee --
Come show thy Durham Breast
© Emily Dickinson
Come show thy Durham Breast
To her who loves thee best,
Delicious Robin --
And if it be not me
Color -- Caste -- Denomination --
© Emily Dickinson
Color -- Caste -- Denomination --
These -- are Time's Affair --
Death's diviner Classifying
Does not know they are --
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
© Emily Dickinson
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
To which he gave the worth,
He broke them, fearing punishment
He ran away from Earth --
Civilization -- spurns -- the Leopard!
© Emily Dickinson
Pity -- the Pard -- that left her Asia --
Memories -- of Palm --
Cannot be stifled -- with Narcotic --
Nor suppressed -- with Balm --
Candor -- my tepid friend --
© Emily Dickinson
Candor -- my tepid friend --
Come not to play with me --
The Myrrhs, and Mochas, of the Mind
Are its iniquity --
Conferring with myself
© Emily Dickinson
Conferring with myself
My stranger disappeared
Though first upon a berry fat
Miraculously fared
Cocoon above! Cocoon below!
© Emily Dickinson
Cocoon above! Cocoon below!
Stealthy Cocoon, why hide you so
What all the world suspect?
An hour, and gay on every tree
Your secret, perched in ecstasy
Defies imprisonment!
Circumference thou Bride of Awe
© Emily Dickinson
Circumference thou Bride of Awe
Possessing thou shalt be
Possessed by every hallowed Knight
That dares to covet thee
Crumbling is not an instant's Act
© Emily Dickinson
Crumbling is not an instant's Act
A fundamental pause
Dilapidation's processes
Are organized Decays.
Could live -- did live
© Emily Dickinson
Could live -- did live --
Could die -- did die --
Could smile upon the whole
Through faith in one he met not,
To introduce his soul.