Poems begining by C
/ page 51 of 99 /Count GismondAix in Provence
© Robert Browning
Christ God who savest man, save most
Of men Count Gismond who saved me!
Count Gauthier, when he chose his post,
Chose time and place and company
To suit it; when he struck at length
My honour, 't was with all his strength.
© Robert Crawford
Who goes across those waters
On which the Moon ne'er shone,
With the passenger he came for
As in a dream moved on?
© Charles Baudelaire
Have patience, O my sorrow, and be still.
You asked for night: it falls: it is here.
A shadowy atmosphere enshrouds the hill,
to some men bringing peace, to others care.
"Come Away, Come Away, Death"
© William Shakespeare
Come away, come away, death,
And in sad cypress let me be laid.
© George Herbert
Do not beguile my heart,
Because thou art
My power and welcome. Put me not to shame,
Because I am
Thy clay that weeps, thy dust that calls.
Click Go The Shears, Boys
© Anonymous
Out on the board the old shearer stands,
Grasping his shears in his long, bony hands,
Fixed is his gaze on a bare-bellied 'joe'
Glory if he gets her, won't he make the ringer go.
© Sara Teasdale
HOW many times we must have met
Here on the street as strangers do,
Children of chance we were, who passed
The door of heaven and never knew.
Cleve Woods
© Mathilde Blind
Even here, methinks, when moon-lapped shallows smiled
Round isles no bigger than a baby cot,
Titania found a glowworm-lighted child,
Led far astray, and, with anointing hand
Sprinkling clear dew from a forget-me-not,
Hailed him the Laureate of her Fairyland.
Complaint of the Absence of Her Love Being Upon the Sea
© Henry Howard
O happy dames, that may embrace
The fruit of your delight,
© Eugene Field
Should painter attach to a fair human head
The thick, turgid neck of a stallion,
Or depict a spruce lass with the tail of a bass,
I am sure you would guy the rapscallion.
Contrasted Songs: Song For The Night Of Christ's Resurrection
© Jean Ingelow
(A Humble Imitation)
And birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave.
Christmas Eve: My Mother Dressing
© Toi Derricotte
My mother was not impressed with her beauty;
once a year she put it on like a costume,
Christmas Night Of '62
© William Gordon McCabe
The wintry blast goes wailing by,
The snow is falling overhead;
I hear the lonely sentry's tread,
And distant watch-fires light the sky.
Cullen in the Afterlife
© P. K. Page
He must wake up. He must expose and strip
successive layers to ?nd his soul again.
Where had the rubble come from? He was like
a junkyard—cluttered, ?lled with scrap iron, tin.
As dead as any metal not in use.
Caroline Chisholm
© Henry Kendall
THE PRIESTS and the Levites went forth, to feast at the courts of the Kings;
They were vain of their greatness and worth, and gladdened with glittering things;
They were fair in the favour of gold, and they walked on, with delicate feet,
Where, famished and faint with the cold, the women fell down in the street.
Captain Reece
© William Schwenck Gilbert
Of all the ships upon the blue,
No ship contained a better crew
Than that of worthy CAPTAIN REECE,
Commanding of THE MANTELPIECE.
Crazy Jane And The Bishop
© William Butler Yeats
Bring me to the blasted oak
That I, midnight upon the stroke,
Child of a Day
© Heather Fuller
Child of a day, thou knowest not
The tears that overflow thy urn,
The gushing eyes that read thy lot,
Nor, if thou knewest, couldst return!