Poems begining by C
/ page 5 of 99 /Courage
© Benson Arthur Christopher
I have been brave in my way, Though men did not call me brave;They deem that I creep away, If ever a pennon waveOver the flashing fray.
Child! do not Throw this Book about
© Hilaire Belloc
Child! do not throw this book about; Refrain from the unholy pleasureOf cutting all the pictures out! Preserve it as your chiefest treasure.
© Bell Julian Heward
Kiss before we sleepA thousand times again,And love close-guarded keep:Though this night we wakeWith the grey sun's light,Returning dawns will breakWhile we in our long night,Past pleasure or pain,Nor turn nor kiss again
© Charles Baudelaire
La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliersLaissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symbolesQui l'observent avec des regards familiers.
Clerk Saunders
© Anonymous
Whan bells war rung, an mass was sung, A wat a' man to bed were gone,Clark Sanders came to Margret's window, With mony a sad sigh and groan.
Canada: Case History: 1945
© Earle Birney
This is the case of a high-school land,deadset in adolescence;loud treble laughs and sudden fists,bright cheeks, the gangling presence
Convergence Of The Twain
© Thomas Hardy
In a solitude of the sea
Deep from human vanity,
And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.
© Paul Laurence Dunbar
STEP wid de banjo an' glide wid de fiddle,
Dis ain' no time fu' to pottah an' piddle;
Cruel Frederick
© Heinrich Hoffmann
So Frederick had to go to bed:
His leg was very sore and red!
The Doctor came, and shook his head,
And made a very great to-do,
And gave him nasty physic too.
CXV: Spring
© Alfred Tennyson
Now fades the last long streak of snow,
Now burgeons every maze of quick
About the flowering squares, and thick
By ashen roots the violets blow.
Contrasted Songs: Sailing Beyond The Seas
© Jean Ingelow
(Old Style.)
Methought the stars were blinking bright,
Counsel In Sorrow.
© Robert Crawford
How poor is comfort when the loss is great,
And vain all counsel to assuage a tear!
A light affliction it may medicine;
But when deep Nature groans all words are air,
Che Stai?
© Ugo Foscolo
Che stai? già il secol l'orma ultima lascia;
Dove del tempo son le leggi rotte
Precipita, portando entro la notte
Quattro tuoi lustri, e obblio freddo li fascia.
© Dora Sigerson Shorter
There is a shadow on the head I love,
There is a danger lurks thy path upon,
Composed Just After Midnight On The 31st Of December, 1878
© Paul Hamilton Hayne
A MOMENT since his breath dissolved in air!
And now divorced from life's last hectic glow,
He joins the old ghostly years of long ago,
In some cloud-folded realm of vague despair;
Cadland, Southampton River
© William Lisle Bowles
If ever sea-maid, from her coral cave,
Beneath the hum of the great surge, has loved
Constantia's Song
© Abraham Cowley
Time fly with greater speed away,
Add feathers to thy wings,
Till thy haste in flying brings
That wished-for and expected Day.