Poems begining by C
/ page 17 of 99 /Cloud Pictures
© Paul Hamilton Hayne
Here in these mellow grasses, the whole morn,
I love to rest; yonder, the ripening corn
Rustles its greenery; and his blithesome horn
Cricket On The Hearth
© Norman Rowland Gale
When red-nosed Winter takes the road,
An icicle his walking-stick,
© George Meredith
How smiles he at a generation ranked
In gloomy noddings over life! They pass.
California's Greeting To Seward
© Francis Bret Harte
We know him well: no need of praise
Or bonfire from the windy hill
To light to softer paths and ways
The world-worn man we honor still.
Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
© Pablo Neruda
Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light,
what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
What primal night does Man touch with his senses?
Come Back to the Farm!
© Henry Clay Work
'Tis the voice of your sister - she calls you,
In tones both of love and alarm!
"By dead mother's prayers - by father's gray hairs -
Dear brother, come back to the farm."
Czar Alexander The Second
© Dante Gabriel Rossetti
FROM him did forty million serfs, endow'd
Each with six feet of death-due soil, receive
© Edith Nesbit
WITH garlands to grace it, with laughter to greet it,
Christmas is here, holly-red and snow-white,
Clays Defeat
© George Moses Horton
'Tis the hope of the noble defeated;
The aim of the marksman is vain;
The wish of destruction completed,
The soldier eternally slain.
© Paul Eluard
If I speak its to hear you more clearly
If I hear you Im sure to understand you
© Charles Stuart Calverley
I know not why my soul is rack'd:
Why I ne'er smile as was my wont:
Catherine Helen Spence
© Anonymous
There was a Grand Dame of Australia
Who proved the block system a failure.
She taught creatures in coats
What to do with their votes,
This Effective Grand Dame of Australia!
Corporal Schnapps
© Henry Clay Work
CHORUS: Ach! Mein fraulein!
You ish so ferry unkind!
You coes mit Hans to Zhermany to live,
And leaves poor Schnapps pehind,
And leaves poor Schnapps pehind.
© William Henry Ogilvie
With arrows on their quarters and with numbers on their hoofs,
With the trampling sound of twenty that re-echoes in the roofs,