Best poems
/ page 84 of 84 /The Summer that we did not prize,
© Emily Dickinson
The Summer that we did not prize,
Her treasures were so easy
Instructs us by departing now
And recognition lazy --
The Luxury to apprehend
© Emily Dickinson
The Luxury to apprehend
The Luxury 'twould be
To look at Thee a single time
An Epicure of Me
The Birds begun at Four o'clock --
© Emily Dickinson
The Birds begun at Four o'clock --
Their period for Dawn --
A Music numerous as space --
But neighboring as Noon --
Some Rainbow -- coming from the Fair!
© Emily Dickinson
Some Rainbow -- coming from the Fair!
Some Vision of the World Cashmere --
I confidently see!
Or else a Peacock's purple Train
Feather by feather -- on the plain
Fritters itself away!
So much Summer
© Emily Dickinson
So much Summer
Me for showing
Illegitimate --
Would a Smile's minute bestowing
Too exorbitant
Snow beneath whose chilly softness
© Emily Dickinson
Snow beneath whose chilly softness
Some that never lay
Make their first Repose this Winter
I admonish Thee
On this long storm the Rainbow rose
© Emily Dickinson
On this long storm the Rainbow rose --
On this late Morn -- the Sun --
The clouds -- like listless Elephants --
Horizons -- straggled down --
Her Sweet turn to leave the Homestead
© Emily Dickinson
Her Sweet turn to leave the Homestead
Came the Darker Way --
Carriages -- Be Sure -- and Guests -- too --
But for Holiday
He fought like those Who've nought to lose --
© Emily Dickinson
He fought like those Who've nought to lose --
Bestowed Himself to Balls
As One who for a further Life
Had not a further Use --
Fitter to see Him, I may be
© Emily Dickinson
Fitter to see Him, I may be
For the long Hindrance -- Grace -- to Me --
With Summers, and with Winters, grow,
Some passing Year -- A trait bestow
Because the Bee may blameless hum
© Emily Dickinson
Because the Bee may blameless hum
For Thee a Bee do I become
List even unto Me.
All I may, if small,
© Emily Dickinson
All I may, if small,
Do it not display
Larger for the Totalness --
'Tis Economy
A Coffin -- is a small Domain,
© Emily Dickinson
A Coffin -- is a small Domain,
Yet able to contain
A Citizen of Paradise
In it diminished Plane.
Once more, my now bewildered Dove
© Emily Dickinson
Once more, my now bewildered Dove
Bestirs her puzzled wings
Once more her mistress, on the deep
Her troubled question flings --
© Edwin Arlington Robinson
I tell you, Leffingwell was more than these;
And if he prove a rather sorry knight,
What quiverings in the distance of what light
May not have lured him with high promises,
And then gone down?He may have been deceived;
He may have lied,he did; and he believed.
© Edwin Arlington Robinson
I heard one who said: "Verily,
What word have I for children here?
Your Dollar is your only Word,
The wrath of it your only fear.