All Poems
/ page 460 of 3210 /Sonnet 14: Alas, Have I Not
© Sir Philip Sidney
Alas, have I not pain enough, my friend,
Upon whose breast a fiercer gripe doth tire,
Than did on him who first stole down the fire,
While Love on me doth all his quiver spend,
Flowers of Sion: Sonnet 11 - The last and greatest herald
© William Henry Drummond
The last and greatest herald of heaven's King,
Girt with rough skins, hies to the deserts wild,
Amours De Voyage, Canto II
© Arthur Hugh Clough
Mary has seen thus far.-I am really so angry, Louisa,-
Quite out of patience, my dearest! What can the man be intending?
I am quite tired; and Mary, who might bring him to in a moment,
Lets him go on as he likes, and neither will help nor dismiss him.
The Furrow And The Hearth
© Padraic Colum
Below in the darkness
The slumber of mothers,
The cradles at rest,
The fire-seed sleeping
Deep in white ashes!
The Tracks That Lie By India
© Henry Lawson
The track that runs by India goes up the hot Red Sea
The other side of Africa is far too dull for me.
(I fear that I have missed a chance Ill never get again
To see the land of chivalry and bide awhile in Spain.)
Ill graft a year in London, and if fortune smiles on me
Ill take the track to India by France and Italy.
Sonnet XXXII: Equal Troth
© Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Not by one measure mayst thou mete our love;
For how should I be loved as I love thee?
© Mathilde Blind
Thus in some new-found land where no man's feet
Have trod a path, bold voyagers astray,
May fall foredone by torturing thirst and heat:
But from the impotent body of defeat-
The winners spring who carve a conquering way-
Measured by milestones of their perished clay.
Double-Tail Dog
© Sheldon Allan Silverstein
Would you like to buy a dog with a tail at either end?
He is quite the strangest dog there is in town.
Though he's not too good at knowing
just exactly where he's going,
The Home-Going
© James Whitcomb Riley
We must get home--for we have been away
So long it seems forever and a day!
And O so very homesick we have grown,
The laughter of the world is like a moan
In our tired hearing, and its songs as vain,--
We must get home--we must get home again!
The Ring And The Book - Chapter I - The Ring And The Book
© Robert Browning
DO you see this Ring?
Tis Rome-work, made to match
Limerick: There was an Old Man of Thermopylae
© Edward Lear
There was an old man of Thermopylæ,
Who never did anything properly;
But they said, "If you choose,
To boil eggs in your shoes,
You shall never remain in Thermopylæ."
The Black Horseman
© Dora Sigerson Shorter
Lift me up from this bed of sickness;
I am going out to meet the summer.
I will run into the arms of Sunshine
And be so comforted, the first new-comer.
I will lift you up," said the black horseman.
Young Girls
© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev
Girls are enchanted by rupees tails
They bear an image of firebirds;
The girls leave behind their parents home,
Follow the Frenchmen obediently.
The Lady Poverty
© Evelyn Underhill
I met her on the Umbrian hills,
Her hair unbound, her feet unshod:
As one whom secret glory fills
She walked, alone with God.
Who Is Your Boss?
© Edgar Albert Guest
"I work for someone else," he said;
"I have no chance to get ahead.
Of Godly Fear
© John Bunyan
Us godly fear delightful unto thee,
That fear that God himself delights to see
Toward The Future
© Yeghishe Charents
Like an enormous disc made of iron
The brave will of our thousands of brothers,
So universal -
We have already thrown with immense force
Toward all the winds of the coming days,
Toward - the Future...