All Poems

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La Muerta

© Pablo Neruda

Si de pronto no existes,
si de pronto no vives,
yo seguiré viviendo.

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Sowing Seed

© Robert Laurence Binyon

As my hand dropt a seed
In the dibbled mould
And my mind hurried onward
To picture the miracle
June should unfold,

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I Shall Go Back

© Edna St. Vincent Millay

I shall go back again to the bleak shore

And build a little shanty on the sand

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The Watcher

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

I think I hear the sound of horses' feet
Beating upon the graveled avenue.
Go to the window that looks on the street,
He would not let me die alone, I knew."
Back to the couch the patient watcher passed,
And said: "It is the wailing of the blast."

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Inscriptions: VII: The Wood Nymph

© Mark Akenside

Approach in silence. 'tis no vulgar tale

Which I, the Dryad of this hoary oak,

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The Bargain

© Henry Van Dyke

What shall I give for thee,

  Thou Pearl of greatest price?

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Cast Away Care

© Thomas Dekker

Cast away care; he that loves sorrow
Lengthens not a day, nor can buy to-morrow ;
          Money is trash, and he that will spend it,
          Let him drink merrily, fortune will send it.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, oh, ho !
    Play it off stiffly, we may not part so.

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Sonnet VII. To Burke

© Samuel Taylor Coleridge

As late I lay in Slumber's shadowy vale,
  With wetted cheek and in a mourner's guise,
  I saw the sainted form of FREEDOM rise:
She spake! not sadder moans the autumnal gale.

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The Homestead

© William Barnes

If I had all the land my zight

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The Mother's Funeral

© George Crabbe

The elder sister strove her pangs to hide,
And soothing words to younger minds applied:
"Be still, be patient;" oft she strove to say,
But fail'd as oft, and weeping turn'd away.

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At Tarragona

© Arthur Symons

If I could know but when and why

This piece of thoughtless dust begins

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On The Death Of Mr. Viner

© Thomas Parnell

The liquid Harmony, a tuneful Tide,
Now seem'd to rage, anon wou'd gently glide;
By Turns would ebb and flow, would rise and fall,
Be loudly daring, or be softly small:
While all was blended in one common Name,
Wave push'd on Wave, and all compos'd a Stream.

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Winter Journey Over The Hartz Mountain

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

LIKE the vulture
Who on heavy morning clouds
With gentle wing reposing
Looks for his prey,-
Hover, my song!

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A Word to Texas Jack

© Henry Lawson

You may talk about your ridin’ in the city, bold an’ free,
Talk o’ ridin’ in the city, Texas Jack, but where’d yer be
When the stock horse snorts an’ bunches all ’is quarters in a hump,
And the saddle climbs a sapling, an’ the horse-shoes split a stump?

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© Pierre Louys

Under the sheet of transparent wool we
slipped, she and I. Even our heads were sunk
under, and the lamp illumined the stuff over
us. Thus I behld her dear body in a mysterious

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The Child

© Sara Coleridge

See yon blithe child that dances in our sight!
Can gloomy shadows fall from one so bright?
 Fond mother, whence these fears?
While buoyantly he rushes o'er the lawn,
Dream not of clouds to stain his manhood's dawn,
 Nor dim that sight with tears.

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Over The Hills And Far Away

© Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

A LITTLE bird flew my window by,
'Twixt the level street and the level sky,
The level rows of houses tall,
The long low sun on the level wall;
And all that the little bird did say
Was, "Over the hills and far away."

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Gentle Alice Brown

© William Schwenck Gilbert

It was a robber's daughter, and her name was ALICE BROWN,
Her father was the terror of a small Italian town;
Her mother was a foolish, weak, but amiable old thing;
But it isn't of her parents that I'm going for to sing.

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© Percy MacKaye

Half artist and half anchorite,
  Part siren and part Socrates,
Her face -- alluring fair, yet recondite --
  Smiled through her salons and academies.

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The Witch

© Madison Julius Cawein

She gropes and hobbies, where the dropsied rocks

  Are hairy with the lichens and the twist